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Found 3890 Results for letter
Letter CXLIX. To Basil, Bishop of Antioch.

Letter CXLIX. To Basil, Bishop of Antioch.Letter CXLIX. To Basil, Bishop of Antioch.(Asking him to give no countenance to the demand for a new Synod.)...

Letter CXXVII. To Marcian Augustus.

Letter CXXVII. To Marcian Augustus.Letter CXXVII. To Marcian Augustus.(Professing readiness to be reconciled to Anatolius if he will abide by the cano...

Letter CXXXIV. To Marcian Augustus.

Letter CXXXIV. To Marcian Augustus.Letter CXXXIV. To Marcian Augustus.(Suggesting that Eutyches should be banished to a still remoter place, where he ...

Letter CXL. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.

Letter CXL. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.Letter CXL. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.(Now that Dioscorus is dead, the peace of the Church will be more easily res...

Letter XLVIII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.

Letter XLVIII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.Letter XLVIII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.(Consoling him after the riots at Ephesus and exhorting him to stand f...

Letter XLIX. To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople

Letter XLIX. To Flavian, Bishop of ConstantinopleLetter XLIX. To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople(Whose death he is unaware of, promising him all the...

Letter LXXIV. To Martinus, Another of the Archimandrites at Constantinople.

Letter LXXIV. To Martinus, Another of the Archimandrites at Constantinople.Letter LXXIV. To Martinus, Another of the Archimandrites at Constantinople....

Letter LXXV. To Faustus and Martinus Together.

Letter LXXV. To Faustus and Martinus Together.Letter LXXV. To Faustus and Martinus Together.(Condemning the Latrocinium and maintaining that Eutyches ...

Letter XC. To Marclan Augustus.

Letter XC. To Marclan Augustus.Letter XC. To Marclan Augustus.(Assenting perforce to the meeting of the Synod, but begging him to see that the Faith b...

Letter LXI. To Martinus and Faustus, Presbyters.

Letter LXI. To Martinus and Faustus, Presbyters.Letter LXI. To Martinus and Faustus, Presbyters.(Reminding them of a former letter he has written to t...

Letter CCXI(1)

Letter CCXI(1) Letter CCXI(1) To Olympius.(2) Truly when I read your excellency's letter I felt unwonted pleasure and cheerfulness; and when I met y...

Letter II. To Septimus, Bishop of Altinum.

Letter II. To Septimus, Bishop of Altinum.Letter II. To Septimus, Bishop of Altinum.(Caution must be observed in receiving Pelagians back, and clergy ...

Letter CLXXIII. To Certain Egyptian Bishops.

Letter CLXXIII. To Certain Egyptian Bishops.Letter CLXXIII. To Certain Egyptian Bishops.(Congratulating them on the election of Timothy, and begging t...

Letter CXXV. To Julian, the Bishop, by Count Rodanus.

Letter CXXV. To Julian, the Bishop, by Count Rodanus.Letter CXXV. To Julian, the Bishop, by Count Rodanus.(Asking him to write quickly, and not keep h...

Letter LXX. To Pulcheria Augusta.

Letter LXX. To Pulcheria Augusta.Letter LXX. To Pulcheria Augusta.(In which he again says he is waiting for Anatolius' acceptance of Cyril's and his o...

Letter LXXII. To Faustus, One of the Archimandrites at Constantinople.

Letter LXXII. To Faustus, One of the Archimandrites at Constantinople.Letter LXXII. To Faustus, One of the Archimandrites at Constantinople.(Commendin...

Letter LXXXIV. To Pulcheria Augusta.

Letter LXXXIV. To Pulcheria Augusta.Letter LXXXIV. To Pulcheria Augusta.(Announcing the despatch of his legates to deal with the lapsed, and asking th...

Letter LXXXVI. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.

Letter LXXXVI. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.Letter LXXXVI. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.(Begging him for friendship's and the Church's sake to assist his lega...

Letter LXXXIX. To Marcian Augustus.

Letter LXXXIX. To Marcian Augustus.Letter LXXXIX. To Marcian Augustus.(Appointing Paschasinus the bishop and Boniface a presbyter, and Julian the bish...

Letter XCI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.

Letter XCI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.Letter XCI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.(Telling him that he has appointed Paschasinus, ...