Search Results for ps 1-2

Found 412 Results for ps 1-2
Psalm 108:1

PSALM 108 OVERVIEW. TITLE AND SUBJECT. A Song or Psalm of David. To be sung jubilantly as a national hymn, or solemnly as a sacred psalm. We cannot f...

Chapter V

CHAPTER V. THE DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. Charnocke: On the Attributes. Howe: Oracles of God, Lectures XVII.-XXV. Sckleiermacher: Glaubenslehre, g 50-56; 79...

Homily XXVIII.

Homily XXVIII.Homily XXVIII. ROM. XV. 8.-Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises ...

Esther 8

Chapter?8We left the plotter hanging, and are now to see what becomes of his plot. I. His plot was to raise an estate for himself; and all his estate,...


Footnotes(1 )He came in with a slow and stately step; he spoke with a broken utterance, sometimes with a kind of disjointed sobs rather than words. He...

Psalms 19

Chapter?19There are two excellent books which the great God has published for the instruction and edification of the children of men; this psalm treat...

2 Peter 3

PETER. CHAPTER III. The End of All Things. SUMMARY.--The Purpose of the Second Epistle. The Sayings of Scoffers. God's Apparent Delay to Give Oppo...

Isaiah 62

Chapter?62The business of prophets was both to preach and pray. In this chapter, I. The prophet determines to apply closely and constantly to this bus...

Song of Solomon 4

Chapter?4In this chapter, I. Jesus Christ, having espoused his church to himself ch.?3:11 ), highly commends her beauty in the several expressions of ...

Job 4

Chapter?4Job having warmly given vent to his passion, and so broken the ice, his friends here come gravely to give vent to their judgment upon his cas...


\\INTRODUCTION TO HAGGAI\\ This part of sacred Scripture is in some Hebrew copies called Sepher Haggai, the Book, of Haggai; in the Vulgate Latin ver...

Psalm 61:1

PSALM 61 OVERVIEW Title. To the Chief Musician upon Neginah, a Psalm of David. The original indicates that both the hymn and the musical instrument we...

Isaiah 45

Chapter?45Cyrus was nominated, in the foregoing chapter, to be God?s shepherd; more is said to him and more of him in this chapter, not only because h...

Psalms 37

Chapter?37This psalm is a sermon, and an excellent useful sermon it is, calculated not (as most of the psalms) for our devotion, but for our conversat...

Psalm 143:1

PSALM 143 OVERVIEW. Title. A Psalm of David. It is so much like other Davidic psalms that we accept the title without a moment's hesitation. David's h...

Numbers 2

Chapter?2The thousands of Israel, having been mustered in the former chapter, in this are marshalled, and a regular disposition is made of their camp,...

Matthew 21

Chapter?21The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the two main hinges upon which the door of salvation turns. He came into the world on purpose...

Isaiah 51

Chapter?51This chapter is designed for the comfort and encouragement of those that fear God and keep his commandments, even when they walk in darkness...

Psalm 144:1

PSALM 144 OVERVIEW. Albeit that this Psalm is in some measure very similar to Psalms 18:1-50 , yet it is a new song, and in its latter portion it is...

Psalm 116:1

PSALM 116 OVERVIEW. SUBJECT. This is a continuation of the Paschal Hallel, and therefore must in some measure be interpreted in connection with the c...