Search Results for ps 116

Found 113 Results for ps 116
To Consentius: Against Lying

S. AUGUSTINE TO CONSENTIUS: AGAINST LYING. From the Retractations, Book ii. Chap. 60. Then* also I wrote a Book against Lying, the occasion of whic...

Galatians 5

In this chapter the Apostle Paul presents thedoctrine of Christian liberty in a final effort to persuade the Galatians togive up the nefarious doctrin...


Footnotes(1 )Eusebius seems to have adopted this name as a token of friendship and respect for Pamphilus, bishop of Caesarea. See McGiffert, Prolegome...

Chapter I--Idea of Theology

SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY. PART I. PROLEGOMENA. CHAPTER I. IDEA OF THEOLOGY. I. Definition.?Theology is the science of God and of the relations between...

Book II.

Book II.Book II. Introduction. Twelve names of the Son of God are recounted, being distributed into three classes. These names are so many proofs of t...

Redemption in Pagan Religion and in Paul

CHAPTER VII REDEMPTION IN PAGAN RELIGION AND IN PAUL It has been observed thus far that in comparing Paul with Hellenistic pagan religion, the quest...

Text Of The Old Testament

TEXT OF THE OLD TESTAMENT || I. EARLIEST FORM OF WRITING IN ISRAEL 1. Invention of Alphabet 2. The Cuneiform 3. References to Writing in the Old T...




NOTES. Note 1, page 4. EPIPH. 1. c. 1:?Kal oxrrot rh crrepeh. rov Krjpvyfiaros fief/MnjKcujiv. C. 32 :?Ti co(feXei rjpJas rj Tov 'latawov 'AiroicdX...

Enchiridion to Laurentius on Faith, Hope, and Charity

S. AUGUSTINE ENCHIRIDION TO LAURENTIUS ON FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY. St. Augustine enumerates the Enchiridion addressed to Laurentins amongst his l...

Councils of Ariminum and Seleucia

Councils of Ariminum and SeleuciaCouncils of Ariminum and Seleucia Part I. History of the Councils. Reason why two Councils were called. Inconsistency...

Chapter II

CHAPTER II. DEFENCES OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE POLEMIC PERIOD: A. D. 254?A. D. 780. ? 1. Preliminary Statements. We pass now, in the history of the D...

Discourse IV

Discourse IVDiscourse IV ??1-5. The substantiality of the Word proved from Scripture. If the One Origin be substantial, Its Word is substantial. Unles...

Part VIII--Eschatology, or the Doctrine of Final

PART VIII. ESCHATOLOGY, OR THE DOCTRINE OF FINAL THINGS. Neither the individual Christian character, nor the Christian church as a whole, attains it...

Psalm CXIX.

Psalm CXIX. Psalm CXIX. Aleph.1. From its commencement, dearly beloved, doth this great Psalm exhort us unto bliss, which there is no one who desiret...

Chapter I--Preliminary

PART V. ANTHROPOLOGY, OR THE DOCTRINE OF MAN. CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY. I. Man A Creation Of God And A Child Of God. The fact of man's creation is...

New Testament Literature

NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE. ? 1. From lino, to daub or smear (supine, litum), comes litera, a mark, and more especially a significant mark?a character?...

St Paul and Seneca

IV. ST PAUL AND SENECA. HPHE earliest of the Latin fathers, Tertullian, writing about a Senecatra-*- century and a half after the death of Seneca, ...

The Christian Ministry

III. THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY. III. THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY. rpHE kingdom of Christ, not being a kingdom of this world, is ideal of the -*- not limit...


ProlegomenaProlegomenaChapter I.Literature?1. Editions, &c. (A) Before 1601 only Latin translations. The first, at Vicenza, 1482, completed by Barnaba...