Search Results for ps 12

Found 1815 Results for ps 12
Revelation 16:13

three unclean spirits These are ?spirits of demons.? See commentary on Revelation 16:14. See Three: Life, Resurrection, Completeness, the Trinity. li...


\\INTRODUCTION TO 2 CHRONICLES 5 & 6\\ The words with which chapter five begins are the same with \\#1Ki 7:51\\, and what is contained in that and c...

14.3. How Many Comings of Christ - Rapture versus Second Coming Typically, we speak of only two ?comings? of Christ. The First Coming was His virgin birth by Mary and subsequ...

Revelation 14:10

he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God He himself, emphasis is placed upon the individual who worships the beast. He will be hel...


FEIGN fan (badha, nakhar; plastos): Occurs (1) in the sense of to devise, invent as the translation of badha', to form, to fashion (Nehemiah 6:8, Th...

1 Kings 2:23

Overview - 1?Kings 2 1?David, having given a charge to Solomon, 3?of religiousness; 5?of Joab; 7?of Barzillai; 8?of Shimei; 10?dies. 12?Solomon su...

16.4. A Heavenly Pattern

The earthly Temple is patterned after a greater reality: the heavenly Temple (Heb. Heb. 8:4-5; Heb. Heb. 9:1-11). Almost everything which was shown M...

14.4.1. The Coming of the Spirit

The Holy Spirit has always been present and ministering upon the earth (Gen. Gen. 1:2). Prior to the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon and ...

Revelation 2:10

you are about to suffer The Smyrnaeans were about to enter a time of testing. God often warns his servants prior to a time of trial (Eze. Eze. 2:3-7;...


Praise [N] [B] God is worthy of 2?Samuel 22:4 Christ is worthy of Revelation 5:12 God is glorified by Psalms 22:23 ; 50:23 Offered to Chr...

Psalm 62:12

?EXPOSITIONVerse 12. Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy. This tender attribute sweetens the grand thought of his power: the divine strength will ...


\\INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 52\\ \\\\. Of the title Maschil, \\see Gill on Ps 32:1\\, title. The occasion of this psalm is here related, the history of ...

Mark 14:26

Overview - Mark 14 1?A conspiracy against Christ. 3?Precious ointment is poured on his head by a woman. 10?Judas sells his Master for money. 12?Chris...

2 Samuel 11:27

Overview - 2?Samuel 11 1?While Joab besieges Rabbah, David commits adultery with Bath-sheba. 6?Uriah, sent for by David to cover the adultery, would ...

Psalms 144:1

Overview - Psalms 144 1?David blesses God for his mercy both to him and to man. 5?He prays that God would powerfully deliver him from his enemies. 9...

Revelation 2:27

he shall rule them This promise is closely related to that given to the Laodicean overcomer: ?I will grant to sit with Me on My throne as I also over...

Revelation 6:9

Opening the Fifth and Sixth Seals 1 fifth seal With the opening of the fifth seal, we break from the judgments associated with the four horsemen. ?T...

Revelation 3:12

overcomes See. Who is the Overcomer? I will make him a pillar in the temple Some have seen this as an allusion to the pillars in Solomon?s Temple. 1K....

Revelation 1:7

He is coming The OT Scriptures predicted a ?coming one? (Deu. Deu. 18:15-18; Ps. Ps. 2:1; Ps. 22:1; Ps. 118:26; Isa. Isa. 9:6; Isa. 48:16; Isa. 53:1;...

Revelation 5:6

four living creatures See commentary on Revelation 4:6. the elders See commentary on Revelation 4:4. a Lamb ?When John turned, he saw, not a Lion, acc...