Search Results for rom 2:15

Found 202 Results for rom 2:15
Ephesians 5

EPHESIANS. CHAPTER V. Duties Which Become the Children of God. SUMMARY.--Walking in Love. Flee All Impurity. Let Speech Be Pure. Covetousness a Sp...


Truth [N] [T] [E]In Scripture, truth is characterized by both qualitative and quantitative aspects. In the historical narratives of the Old Testament,...


Footnotes(1 )Eusebius seems to have adopted this name as a token of friendship and respect for Pamphilus, bishop of Caesarea. See McGiffert, Prolegome...

Chapter I--The Attributes of God

PART IV. THE NATURE, DECREES, AND WORKS OF GOD. CHAPTER I. THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. In contemplating the words and acts of God, as in contemplating ...

Mark 11

Chapter?11We are now come to the Passion-Week, the week in which Christ died, and the great occurrences of that week. I. Christ?s riding in triumph in...

Part VIII--Eschatology, or the Doctrine of Final

PART VIII. ESCHATOLOGY, OR THE DOCTRINE OF FINAL THINGS. Neither the individual Christian character, nor the Christian church as a whole, attains it...

Chapter 19

CHAPTER 19. OF CHRISTIAN LIBERTY. The three divisions of this chapter are,--I. Necessity of the doctrine of Christian Liberty, sec. 1. The principal ...

Matthew 21

Chapter?21The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the two main hinges upon which the door of salvation turns. He came into the world on purpose...


Hospitality [N] [T] [S]Hospitality plays no small role in the realm of biblical ethics. Biblical admonitions exhorted the Israelites and the early Chr...

Acts 14

Chapter?14We have, in this chapter, a further account of the progress of the gospel, by the ministry of Paul and Barnabas among the Gentiles; it goes ...

Ezekiel 5

Chapter?5In this chapter we have a further, and no less terrible, denunciation of the judgments of God, which were coming with all speed and force upo...

The Second Helvetic Confession

CHAPTER 1 - Of The Holy Scripture Being The True Word of GodCANONICAL SCRIPTURE. We believe and confess the canonical Scriptures of the holy prophets ...

Psalms 98

Chapter?98This psalm is to the same purport with the two foregoing psalms; it is a prophecy of the kingdom of the Messiah, the settling of it up in th...

Matthew 18

Chapter?18The gospels are, in short, a record of what Jesus began both to do and to teach. In the foregoing chapter, we had an account of his doings, ...

Clean, Unclean

Clean, Unclean The Old Testament. How Uncleanness Was Contracted and Treated. In Old Testament times the ordinary state of most things was cleanness, ...

Revelation 9:1

The first two of the final three trumpets are sounded, releasing demonic judgments upon the earth. Unlike the previous four trumpet judgments, these ...

Isaiah 11

Chapter 11It is a very good transition in prophecy (whether it be so in rhetoric or no), and a very common one, to pass from the prediction of the tem...

Isaiah 2

Chapter 2With this chapter begins a new sermon, which is continued in the two following chapters. The subject of this discourse is Judah and Jerusalem...

Chapter I

BIBLIOLOGY. CHAPTER I. REVELATION AND INSPIRATION. Augustine: City of God, XV.-XVIII. Calvin: Institutes, I. viiix. Gerhard: Loci (De Inspiratione)...

Revelation 6:2

white horse This white horse is the first of four horses of different colors, similar to the horses seen by Zechariah (Zec. Zec. 1:8; Zec. 6:2-6).1 S...