Search Results for shake the dust

Found 276 Results for shake the dust
Isaiah 52

Chapter?52The greater part of this chapter is on the same subject with the chapter before, concerning the deliverance of the Jews out of Babylon, whic...

Mark 6

Chapter?6A great variety of observable passages we have, in this chapter, concerning our Lord Jesus, the substance of all which we had before in Matth...

Feasting on the Sacrifice

XXVIII. Feasting on the Sacrifice. The meek shall eat and be satisfied.?Ps. xxii. 26. HE flesh of the sacrifice of his peaceoffering for thanksgiv...

Nahum 1

Chapter?1In this chapter we have, I. The inscription of the book, (v.?1). II. A magnificent display of the glory of God, in a mixture of wrath and jus...

Psalms 18

Chapter?18This psalm we met with before, in the history of David?s life, 2 Samuel 2 That was the first edition of it; here we have it revived, altered...

Day of the Lord, God, Christ, the

Day of the Lord, God, Christ, the Expression, often in the context of future events, which refers to the time when God will intervene decisively for j...

Nahum 2

Chapter?2We now come closer to Nineveh, that great city; she took, not warning by the destruction of her armies and the fall of her king, and therefor...

Ezekiel 27

Chapter?27Still we are attending the funeral of Tyre and the lamentations made for the fall of that renowned city. In this chapter we have, I. A large...

Sermon CIX

SERMON CIX. PREACHED TO THE KING, AT THE COURT, IN APRIL, 1629. Genesis i. 26. And God said, Let us make man, in our image, after our likeness. ...

Homily VIII.

Homily VIII.Homily VIII. 1 Thessalonians iv. 15-17.-For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we that are alive, that are left unto the c...

2 Kings 17

Chapter 17This chapter gives us an account of the captivity of the ten tribes, and so finishes the history of that kingdom, after it had continued abo...

Madness and Sanity

MADNESS AND SANITY. / am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth and soberness. Acts xxvi. 25. First Sunday after Trinity, ...

Psalms 44

Chapter?44We are not told either who was the penman of this psalm or when and upon what occasion it was penned, upon a melancholy occasion, we are sur...

Spiritual Songs Part 2 (59-122)

59 John xxi. 16. CM. 1?Do not I love Thee, O my Lord? Behold my heart, and see! And cast each hated idol down, That dares to rival Thee. 2?Do n...

The King - continued

X.?THE KING? Continued. IN our last chapter we have seen that the keynote of The Songs of the King may be said to be struck in Psalm xviii. Its comp...

Great Hopes and a Great Power

The God of peace . . . make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Chr...

Sermon XXV

SERMON XXV. PREACHED TO THE LORDS, UPON EASTER DAY, AT THE COMMUNION. , [The King being then dangerously sick at Newmarket.] Psal. Lxxxix. 47. ...

The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle.

The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle. The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle.(1) Addaeus(2) said to him: Because thou hast thus believed, I lay my hand up...

To Olympias.

To Olympias.To Olympias.Do not be anxious on my behalf, nor rack yourself with solicitude, on account of the severity of the winter, and the weakness ...

Judges 16

Chapter?16Samson?s name (we have observed before) signifies a little sun (solparvus); we have seen this sun rising very bright, and his morning ray st...