Search Results for abolish

Found 291 Results for abolish
2 Thessalonians 2



He groaned in the spirit, and was troubled.?John xi. 33. UR Lord is on the way to the tomb of Lazarus, and as He looks at the two poor weeping siste...


DEATH (maweth; thanatos): $PHYSIOLOGICAL AND FIGURATIVE VIEW$ The word Death is used in the sense of (1) the process of dying (Genesis 21:16); (2)...

Man as the Object of the Six Days' Work

MAN AS THE OBJECT OF THE SIX DAYS' WORK. Sec. I. That God created the world in six days, and perfected it on the seventh, is not merely a humanitar...

Canons of the Council of Orange

The Canons of the Council of Orange?INTRODUCTIONThe Council of Orange was an outgrowth of the controversy between Augustine and Pelagius. This controv...

Homily 18

Homily XVIII.Homily XVIII. Hebrews x. 8-13.-Above when He said, Sacrifice and offering, and burnt-offerings, and [offering] for sin, Thou wouldest not...

Matthew 18

1. At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? [Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heave...

Modern Idealism

The method of thought which I purpose to consider regards ideas as the only objects of knowledge and denies the independent existence of the external ...

Chapter XXIII

Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.?Rom. vi.ii. THE connection of this ...

Isaiah 2

Chapter 2With this chapter begins a new sermon, which is continued in the two following chapters. The subject of this discourse is Judah and Jerusalem...

Romans 8

Chapter 88:1 [There is] 1 therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who 2 walk not after the a flesh, but after the Spirit. (1)...

Matthew 12

MATTHEW. CHAPTER XII. The Pharisees Take Counsel Against and Seek to Destroy Jesus. SUMMARY.--Jesus Accused of Sabbath Breaking. The Son of Man Lo...


The God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant.?H...

Children Of God

CHILDREN OF GOD $ Introduction: Meaning of Terms$ $I. OLD TESTAMENT TEACHING$ 1. Mythological Survivals 2. Created Sonship 3. Israel's Collective...

Century XII, Chapter VI

CHAP. VI. General State of the Church in this Century. THIS may, in a great measure, be collected so faras the Latin church is concerned, from the ...

Century IV, Chapter XVIII

CHAP. XVIII. THE PRIVATE LIFE AND THE WORKS OF AMBROSE. If we had the real life of this bishop written by Ambrow Paulinus of Nola, we might make ...

Numbers 19

Chapter?19This chapter is only concerning the preparing and using of the ashes which were to impregnate the water of purification. The people had comp...

Discourse II.-Theophila.

Discourse II.-Theophila.Discourse II.-Theophila. Chapter I.-Marriage Not Abolished by the Commendation of Virginity.And then, she said, Theophila spok...

On Luke 10: 22 (Matthew 11: 27)

On Luke 10: 22 (Matthew 11: 27)On Luke 10:22 (Matthew 11:27) ?1. This Text Refers Not to the Eternal Word But to the Incarnate.All things were deliver...

Revelation 6:17

the great day of His wrath The great day is The Day of the Lord, a unique time yet future when God will radically intervene in history to demonstrate...