Search Results for command speak send

Found 857 Results for command speak send
Lecture IX.

Lecture IX. Lecture IX. On the Words, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and of All Things Visible and Invisible.Job XXXVIII. 2-3. Who is this that hideth cou...

Psalm 50:5

?EXPOSITIONVerse 5. Gather my saints together unto me. Go, ye swift winged messengers, and separate the precious from the vile. Gather out the wheat o...

Numbers 27

Chapter?27Here is, I. The case of Zelophehad?s daughters determined (v.?1-11). II. Notice given to Moses of his death approaching (v.?12-14). III. Pro...

Acts 22

ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. CHAPTER XXII. Paul's Address to the Jews in the Temple. SUMMARY.--Paul Speaks in Hebrew to the People. His Jewish Birth at ...

1887: Zeal for Christ

1887: ZEAL FOR CHRIST. Brethren Of The Graduating Class :?You have spent three years with us in preparation for the ministry. Your instructors test...

James 3

Chapter?3The apostle here reproves ambition, and an arrogant magisterial tongue; and shows the duty and advantage of bridling it because of its power ...

Chapter 4

1. NOW Claudius, though he was sensible after what an insolent manner the senate had sent to him yet did he, according to their advice, behave hims...

John 15

John Darby commentary for John 15John Chapter 15The beginning of this chapter, and that which relates to the vine, belongs to the earthly portion-to ...

Homily VIII.

Homily VIII.Homily VIII. 1 Thessalonians iv. 15-17.-For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we that are alive, that are left unto the c...

Part II.

Part II.Part II. Chapter V. Documents Connected with the Charges of the Meletians Against S. Athanasius.59. Peter was Bishop among us before the perse...


SEPARATED UNTO THE HOLY GHOST. ''Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was cal...

Acts 22

Chapter?22In the close of the foregoing chapter we had Paul bound, according to Agabus?s prophecy of the hard usage he should receive from the Jews at...

Ezekiel 36

Chapter?36We have done with Mount Seir, and left it desolate, and likely to continue so, and must now turn ourselves, with the prophet, to the mountai...

Ezekiel 10

Chapter?10The prophet had observed to us (ch.?8:4 ) that when he was in vision at Jerusalem he saw the same appearance of the glory of God there that ...

The Lack of Students for the Ministry

Not long since, I received a letter from a young man who graduated from our Seminary only three years ago, saying that within the past year six differ...

Homily LX.

Homily LX.Homily LX.Matthew Chapter 18, Verse 15 If thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault(1) between thee and him alone. ...

Proverbs 22

Chapter?22 Verse 1 Here are two things which are more valuable and which we should covet more than great riches: 1. To be well spoken of: A name (that...

Acts 11

Chapter?11In this chapter we have, I. Peter?s necessary vindication of what he did in receiving Cornelius and his friends into the church, from the ce...

John 14

John Darby commentary for John 14John Chapter 14The Lord now begins to discourse with them in view of His departure. He was going where they could no...

Psalm 119:48

?EXPOSITION Verse 48. My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved. He will stretch out towards perfection as far as he can,...