Search Results for esther 4

Found 1160 Results for esther 4
Esther 3:4

Overview - Esther 3 1?Haman, advanced by the king, and despised by Mordecai, seeks revenge upon all the Jews. 7?He casts lots. 8?He obtains by calum...

Esther 6:12

Overview - Esther 6 1?Ahasuerus, reading in the chronicles of the good service done by Mordecai, takes care for his reward. 4?Haman, coming to sue th...

2 Samuel 17:4

Overview - 2?Samuel 17 1?Ahithophel's counsel is overthrown by Hushai's, according to God's appointment. 15?Secret intelligence is sent unto David. 23...


HATHACH ha'-thak (hathakh; Septuagint Hachrathaios): One of the chamberlains of Ahasuerus, appointed to attend on Esther (Esther 4:5,6,9,10, the King...

Esther 5:9

Overview - Esther 5 1?Esther, adventuring on the king's favour, obtains the grace of the golden sceptre, and invites the king and Haman to a banquet. ...

Esther 7:6

Overview - Esther 7 1?Esther, entertaining the king and Haman, makes suit for her own life, and her people's. 5?She accuses Haman. 7?The king in his...

Esther 3:15

Overview - Esther 3 1?Haman, advanced by the king, and despised by Mordecai, seeks revenge upon all the Jews. 7?He casts lots. 8?He obtains by calum...

Psalms 94:3

Overview - Psalms 94 1?The prophet, calling for justice, complains of tyranny and impiety. 8?He teaches God's providence. 12?He shews the blessedness...

Esther 2:4

Esther 2:4 And let the maiden which pleaseth the king be queen instead of Vashti Have the royal estate, that was taken from Vashti, given to her, the ...

Isaiah 22:25

Overview - Isaiah 22 1?The prophet laments the invasion of Jewry. 8?He reproves their human wisdom and worldly joy. 15?He prophesies Shebna's depriva...

Esther 8:10

Overview - Esther 8 1?Mordecai is advanced. 3?Esther makes suit to reverse Haman's letters. 7?Ahasuerus grants to the Jews to defend themselves. 15?...

Esther 3:11

Overview - Esther 3 1?Haman, advanced by the king, and despised by Mordecai, seeks revenge upon all the Jews. 7?He casts lots. 8?He obtains by calum...

Esther 1:14

Overview - Esther 1 1?Ahasuerus makes royal feasts. 10?Vashti, sent for, refuses to come. 13?Ahasuerus, by the counsel of Memucan, puts away Vashti, a...

Esther 6:5

Overview - Esther 6 1?Ahasuerus, reading in the chronicles of the good service done by Mordecai, takes care for his reward. 4?Haman, coming to sue th...


Fasting [N] Spirit of, explained Isaiah 58:6 Isaiah 58:7 Not to be made a subject of display Matthew 6:16-18 Should be to God Zechariah 7:...

Psalms 73:6

Overview - Psalms 73 1?The prophet, prevailing in a temptation, 2?shews the occasion thereof, the prosperity of the wicked; 13?the wound given thereb...

Esther, The Rest Of

ESTHER, THE REST OF \Contents \Introductory 1. Name 2. Contents 3. Original Language 4. Versions 5. Date \LITERATURE \Introductory. The Book of Es...

Nehemiah 2:4

Overview - Nehemiah 2 1?Artaxerxes, understanding the cause of Nehemiah's sadness, sends him with letters and commission to Jerusalem. 9?Nehemiah, to...

Job 2:4

Overview - Job 2 1?Satan appearing again before God, obtains further leave to tempt Job. 7?He smites him with sore boils. 9?Job reproves his wife, w...

Jeremiah 51:31

Overview - Jeremiah 51 1?The severe judgment of God against Babylon, in revenge of Israel. 59?Jeremiah delivers the book of this prophecy to Seraiah, ...