Search Results for eze 15

Found 589 Results for eze 15
Revelation 6:4

fiery red ?????? [pyrros] : ?As a color fiery red, red (as fire).?1 The same color as the dragon in Revelation Rev. 12:3+. was granted Ultimate powe...

Revelation 4:5

lightnings, thunderings, and voices These portend the magnificence and glory of the Father and bring reverent fear to those who experience them, as w...

Revelation 8:5

filled it with fire from the altar The fire speaks of judgment (Mtt. Mat. 3:11-12; Luke Luke 12:49), just as when the man in Ezekiel?s vision scatter...

Island; Isle

ISLAND; ISLE i'-land, il (1) 'i, island or isle; the American Standard Revised Version has coast or coast-land in Isaiah 20:6; 23:2,6; the Revised Ve...

7. Four Gospels

4.7.1 - Which Face, Which Gospel?4.7.2 - Camp of Israel4.7.3 - A Shadow of the Heavenly Many have wondered why there are four gospels? Especially if t...

7.5.2. Literal Understanding of Numbers

In studying the book of Revelation, one is immediately struck by the prevailing bias of many commentators against understanding numbers in their norm...

Hardening, Hardness of Heart

Hardening, Hardness of Heart In the Scriptures various aspects of human anatomy are used to define the whole person, but the most frequently used is h...

10.4. Jerusalem Married to God

The marriage of Israel to Jehovah is seen in promises of God concerning the city, Zion. In her restoration, God will rejoice over the city as a bride...

Revelation 7:1

After the Lamb has opened six of the seven seals, there is a pause in the action while the servants of God are sealed for protection from the judgment...

Revelation 10:11

he said The TR text has the singular form, he said whereas the MT and NU texts have the plural form, they said. If the former, then the mighty angel w...

Revelation 6:17

the great day of His wrath The great day is The Day of the Lord, a unique time yet future when God will radically intervene in history to demonstrate...

Revelation 2:7

He who has an ear ?Every man ?hath an ear? naturally, but he alone will be able to hear spiritually to whom God has given ?the hearing ear?; whose ?e...

Revelation 1:10

in the Spirit All prophetic revelation has its origin in the Holy Spirit (1Pe. 1Pe. 1:20-21) and never from man (Gal. Gal. 1:12-16; Gal. 2:2). Mysteri...

Revelation 9:11

they had a king over them These locusts are to be contrasted with natural locusts which have no king: ?The locusts have no king, yet they all advance...

Corinthians, First and Second, Theology of

Corinthians, First and Second, Theology of Many modern interpreters believe that eschatology, the doctrine of the endtimes, is the center of the apost...

Sin (2)

SIN (2) sin (cin, clay or mud; Suene, Codex Alexandrinus Tanis): A city of Egypt mentioned only in Ezekiel 30:15,16. This seems to be a pure Semitic ...

Ezekiel 42

CHAPTER 42 Ezekiel 42:1-20 . CHAMBERS OF THE PRIESTS: MEASUREMENTS OF THE TEMPLE. 2. Before the length of an hundred cubits--that is before...


Pit [N] [E] [S]The Old Testament. Pit denotes a large hole in the ground. Pits were used to catch wild animals ( Eze 19:1-8 ) or to collect water for ...


Commerce [T] [S]Laws concerning Leviticus 19:36 Leviticus 19:37 ; Leviticus 25:14 Leviticus 25:17 Carried on by means of caravans Genesis 37:25...

Ezekiel, Book of

Ezekiel, Book ofconsists mainly of three groups of prophecies. After an account of his call to the prophetical office ( (1-3:21), ), Ezekiel (1) utter...