Search Results for i kings 19:8

Found 131 Results for i kings 19:8
Matthew 4

CHAPTER 4 Matthew 4:1-11 . TEMPTATION OF CHRIST. ( = mark 1:12 mark 1:13 Luke 4:1-13 ). 1. Then--an indefinite note of sequence. But Mark'...

Poetry, Hebrew

POETRY, HEBREW po'-et-ri: I. IS THERE POETRY IN THE OLD TESTAMENT? Poetry Defined: 1. In Matter, Concrete and Imaginative 2. In Form, Emotional an...

Matthew 5

5:1? And seeing the multitudes, he went up into the mountain: and when he had sat down, his disciples came unto him1:THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. (A moun...

Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness.

3-2. JESUS TEMPTED IN THE WILDERNESS. a?MATT. 4:1-11; b?MARK 1:12-13; c?LUKE 4:1-13. ? ? ? c?1 And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, retu...


DAVID da'-vid (dawidh, or dawidh, beloved; Daueid, also in New Testament, Dauid, Dabid; see Thayer's Lexicon): $I. NAME AND GENEALOGY$ $II. EARLY YE...

Exodus, The Book Of, 3-4

EXODUS, THE BOOK OF, 3-4 \III. Historical Character. 1. General Consideration: The fact that extra-Israelitish and especially Egyptian sources that c...

Zechariah 3

Chapter?3The vision in the foregoing chapter gave assurances of the re-establishing of the civil interests of the Jewish nation, the promises of which...

Chapter V

CHAPTER V. THE DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. Charnocke: On the Attributes. Howe: Oracles of God, Lectures XVII.-XXV. Sckleiermacher: Glaubenslehre, g 50-56; 79...

Chapter I

BIBLIOLOGY. CHAPTER I. REVELATION AND INSPIRATION. Augustine: City of God, XV.-XVIII. Calvin: Institutes, I. viiix. Gerhard: Loci (De Inspiratione)...

Cistern; Well; Pool; Aqueduct

CISTERN; WELL; POOL; AQUEDUCT sis'-tern: Use of Terms 1. General 2. Wells or Cylindrical Cisterns 3. Private Cisterns 4. Public Cisterns 5....

Revelation, Theology of

Revelation, Theology of The theology of Revelation stands in the mainstream of first-century Christian thought, for it presupposes, with other New Tes...


Hell [N] [T] [E] [S]Place of God's final retributive punishment. Scripture progressively develops this destiny of the wicked: the Old Testament outli...


EDUCATION ed-u-ka'-shun: \Contents \I. EDUCATION DEFINED \II. EDUCATION IN EARLY ISRAEL 1. Nomadic and Agricultural Periods 2. The Monarchical Period...


Israel [N] [E] [H] [S]The Name and People. Jacob, grandson of Abraham, was named Israel after he hadwrestled with God ( Gen32:28 ). This name is a co...

Isaiah 61

Chapter?61In this chapter, I. We are sure to find the grace of Christ, published by himself to a lost world in the everlasting gospel, under the type ...


Tabernacle. [N] [T] [B] [E]The tabernacle was the tent of Jehovah, called by the same name as the tents of the people in the midst of which it stood....

Apocalyptic Literature, 3

APOCALYPTIC LITERATURE, 3 III. Psalmic Pseudepigrapha. 1. The Psalter of Solomon: The Psalter of Solomon is the one of all the pseudepigrapha which ...

Jesus Christ, 4A

JESUS CHRIST, 4A PART III. COURSE OF THE EARTHLY LIFE OF JESUS 1. Divisions of the History: The wonderful story of the life of the world's Redeemer ...


Worship [N] [E]If Christianity is the transformation of rebels into worshipers of God, then it is imperative for the Christian to know and understand ...

Sexuality, Human

Sexuality, Human Foundations This essay is based on the following premises: (1) Those functions founded in the unfallen created order that God proclai...