Search Results for licentiousness

Found 296 Results for licentiousness
Sermon XVIII

SERMON XVIII. PREACHED AT ST. PAUL'S, IN THE EVENING, UPON EASTER DAY, 1625. John v. 28, 29. Marvel not at this; for the hour is coming, in the ...

Sermon XIX

SERMON XIX. CONNECTION BETWEEN FAITH AND WORKS. James ii. 24.? Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. This affirm...

Psalm 51:1

PSALM LI Title. To the Chief Musician. Therefore not written for private meditation only, but for the public service of song. Suitable for the loneli...

Sermon XC

SERMON XC. PREACHED AT THE CHURCHING OF THE COUNTESS OF BRIDGEWATER. Micah ii. 10. [Second Sermon.] Thus far we have proceeded in the first acc...

Sermon CXXX

325 SERMON CXXX. PREACHED AT ST. DUNSTAN'S UPON NEW-YEAR'S DAY, 1624. Genesis xvii. 24. Abraham himself was ninety-nine years old, when the foresk...

Romans 6

Chapter?6The apostle having at large asserted, opened, and proved, the great doctrine of justification by faith, for fear lest any should suck poison ...


DEATH (maweth; thanatos): $PHYSIOLOGICAL AND FIGURATIVE VIEW$ The word Death is used in the sense of (1) the process of dying (Genesis 21:16); (2)...

Homily XIV.

Homily XIV.Homily XIV.-------- Chapter I.-Mattidia is Baptized in the Sea.Much earlier than usual Peter awoke, and came to us, and awaking as, said: L...

Lecture IV

Lecture IVLecture IVOn the Ten(1) Points of Doctrine.Colossians II. 8. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tra...

The Conqueror from Edom

II. THE CONQUEROR FROM EDOM. Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozralt f Isaiah lxiii. i. Trinity College Chapel, 3rd Su...

Discourse V.-Thallousa.

Discourse V.-Thallousa.Discourse V.-Thallousa. Chapter I.-The Offering of Chastity a Great Gift.(1) I pray you, Arete, that you will give your assista...


SERMON CXXXII. A LENT SERMON PREACHED AT WHITEHALL, FEBRUARY 20. 1617. Luke xxiii. 40. Fearest not thou God, being under the same condemnation? ...

Lecture III.

Lecture III. Lecture III. On Baptism.Romans VI. 3, 4. Or know ye not that all we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? wer...

Psalms 119

Chapter 119119:1 ALEPH. Blessed [are] a the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD. (a) Here they are not called blessed who think them...

Exhortation to the Heathen

Exhortation to the HeathenExhortation to the Heathen-------- Chapter I.-Exhortation to Abandon the Impious Mysteries of Idolatry for the Adoration of ...

Chapter 19

CHAPTER 19. OF CHRISTIAN LIBERTY. The three divisions of this chapter are,--I. Necessity of the doctrine of Christian Liberty, sec. 1. The principal ...


EDITOR'S PREFACE. The republication of the theological works of Dr. Donne appeared to me highly desirable on my first reading the eighty sermons in ...

The Epistle of Jude

THE EPISTLE OF JUDE Jude or Judas, as our new version makes his name, declares himself to be the brother of James; and by that very fact he seems to ...

The Rejection of Gospel Light The Condemnation of Men

THE REJECTION OF GOSPEL LIGHT THE CONDEMNATION OF MEN. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rath...


SERMON XXVIII. PREACHED UPON WHITSUNDAY. [Part of the Gospel of the Day.] John xiv. 20. At that day shall ye know, that I am in my Father, and y...