Search Results for peace dwell safe*

Found 521 Results for peace dwell safe*
The Trance of Time--The Watchman

THE TRANCE OF TIME. Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas, Atque metus omnes, et inexorabile farum Subjecit pedibus, strepiturnque Acherontis a...

Joshua 11

Chapter?11This chapter continues and concludes the history of the conquest of Canaan; of the reduction of the southern parts we had an account in the ...


The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.?2 Thess. iii. 5. WORD or two of explanation of terms may ...

The Exile - continued

V.?THE EXILE? Continued. SO David fled, and escaped and came to v3 Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done unto? him. And he and Samuel ...

Sermon VIII

SERMON VIII. 'GOD IS WORTHY OF CONFIDENCE. Job ixri. 21. Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace. That is, with God. The case to which the t...

Homily V.

Homily V.Homily V. 2 Thessalonians iii. 3-5.- But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and guard you from the evil one. And we have confidenc...

Deuteronomy 33

Chapter?33Yet Moses has not done with the children of Israel; he seemed to have taken final leave of them in the close of the foregoing chapter, but s...

Spiritual Songs Part 2 (59-122)

59 John xxi. 16. CM. 1?Do not I love Thee, O my Lord? Behold my heart, and see! And cast each hated idol down, That dares to rival Thee. 2?Do n...

Epistle LXXIV.

Epistle LXXIV. Epistle LXXIV.(1) Firmilian, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, to Cyprian, Against the Letter of Stephen. a.d. 256. Argument.-The Argum...

Psalm 23:1

PSALM 23 OVERVIEW There is no inspired title to this psalm, and none is needed, for it records no special event, and needs no other key than that whi...

Psalms 140

Chapter?140This and the four following psalms are much of a piece, and the scope of them the same with many that we met with in the beginning and midd...

Spiritual Songs Part 4 (177-221)

177 Job iii. 18. S.M. 1?Lie down, frail body, here; Earth has no fairer bed, No gentler pillow to afford ;? Come, rest thy home-sick head. 2?Li...

Isaiah 11

Chapter 11It is a very good transition in prophecy (whether it be so in rhetoric or no), and a very common one, to pass from the prediction of the tem...

Jeremiah 8

Chapter?8The prophet proceeds, in this chapter, both to magnify and to justify the destruction that God was bringing upon this people, to show how gri...

Third Week

THIRD WEEK. SABBATH MORNING. Smith. O Thou who art the Author and Preserver of our lives, unto thee we would now lift up our voice and our hearts....

Hosea 14

Chapter?14The strain of this chapter differs from that of the foregoing chapters. Those were generally made up of reproofs for sin and threatenings of...

Deuteronomy 33

The Book of DeuteronomyChapter 33Chapter Overview: The blessing of Moses. He pronounces them all blessed, in what God had done for them, already, v...

Joshua 6

Chapter?6Joshua opened the campaign with the siege of Jericho, a city which could not trust so much to the courage of its people as to act offensively...

2 Peter 3

Chapter?3The apostle drawing towards the conclusion of his second epistle, begins this last chapter with repeating the account of his design and scope...

Spiritual Songs Part 1 (1-58)

SPIRITUAL SONGS. Coloss. i. 19. 7.6. 1?I lay my sins on Jesus, The spotless Lamb of God; He bears them all, and frees us Prom the accursed load...