Search Results for white as snow

Found 322 Results for white as snow
Angels Announce the Resurrection to Certain Women. Peter and John Enter the Empty Tomb.



CHAPTER XXXII Glorying in the Cross It's Jesus Christ or nothing.?Billy Sunday. PAULINE in more than one characteristic is Billy Sunday. But in no...

Homily 12

Homily XII.Homily XII. Hebrews vii. 1-3.-For this Melchisedec, King of Salem, Priest of the most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughte...

Homily LXIX.

Homily LXIX.Homily LXIX. John xii. 42, 43.-Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on Him; but because of the Pharisees they did not co...


CLEAN klen (Anglo-Saxon cloene, clear, pure): Rendering four Hebrew roots: bar, etc., purify, select, make shining; zakh, etc., bright, clean pure; n...

Dreams Gone; Desolations Come

Psalm lxxiii. 20. OU may go to hell asleep, but you cannot go to heaven asleep, says one who mourned over the deep delusion of unconverted men. The r...


-COME. Incline your ear and come unto me. Hear, and your souls shall live. Isaiah 55-3 We have for our subject this afternoon the precious little wo...

Isaiah 1

Chapter 11:1 The a vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw b concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of c Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, [and] Hezeki...

Jordan Valley

JORDAN VALLEY 1. Physical Peculiarities: As more fully detailed elsewhere (see ARABAH; DEAD SEA; GEOLOGY OF PALESTINE), the Jordan valley in its lowe...


As He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, one of His disciples said unto Him, Lord, teach us to pray. TT is noteworthy that we owe our kn...

Greece; Graecia

GREECE; GRAECIA gres, gre'-sha; 1. Name: In the earliest times there was no single name universally and exclusively in use either of the people or o...

Luke 21

The Book of LukeChapter 21Verses:21:1He looked up - From those on whom his eyes were fixed before. Mark 12:41 .21:5Goodly stones - Such as no engines...


\\INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH\\ This book is called, in the New Testament, sometimes the Book of the Words of the Prophet Esaias, \\#Lu 3:4\\ sometimes on...

Introduction to the Revelation of Peter.

Introduction to the Revelation of Peter.INTRODUCTION TO THE REVELATION OF PETER.The fragment here translated was discovered in 1880 by the French Arch...

Revelation 1

Chapter?1 The Book of the Revelation of St. John consists of two principal divisions. 1. Relates to the things which are, that is, the then present s...

The Book Concerning the Mysteries.(1)

The Book Concerning the Mysteries.(1) The Book Concerning the Mysteries.(1) Chapter I. St. Ambrose states that after the explanations he has already ...


Angel [E]Superhuman or heavenly being who serves as God's messenger. Both the Hebrew malak [J; 'm] and the Greek angelos [a [ggelo] indicate that thes...

The Apocalypse of Peter

The Apocalypse of PeterThe Apocalypse of Peter1. ... many of them will be false prophets, and will teach divers ways and doctrines of perdition: but t...

Psalms 68

The Book of PsalmsChapter 68? The occasion of this psalm, seems to have been David's translation of the ark to Zion, which was managed with great so...


Genesis xlix. 24. , . . The Mighty God of Jacob. From thence is the Shepherd, the stone of Israel. A SLIGHT alteration in the rendering will probab...