Search Results for wisdom 2

Found 623 Results for wisdom 2
Are the Leviathan and Behemoth Real or Myth?

Ed Jarrett

In the book of Job, the author mentions two incredible beasts: Leviathan and Behemoth. The descriptions of these creatures is mind-boggling and doesn't relate to any animal on earth, today or in histo...

How to Start - and Stick With - a Daily Devotional Plan

Micah Maddox

It's New Year's resolution season! And while many of us will be planning to exercise more, eat healthier and spend less time in front of screens (for real this time!) many others will be making lofty ...

What Does the Bible Say about Work?

Michael Lee Stallard

Each week the average adult spends nearly 40% of his or her waking hours working. Given that work occupies so much of our time, it would be rational to expect that God cares about what we produce duri...

Beautiful Lessons in Love from Song of Solomon

Kristi Walker

Song of Solomon may seem to have nothing to do with God, but romantic love has everything to do with God! It is completely accurate to say that God is the inventor and author of romantic love which na...

What Does the Bible Mean By 'Little Foxes Spoil the Vine'?

Britt Mooney

What does the Song of Solomon mean when it says that "little foxes spoil the vine"?...

How Does the Bible Say We Should Pray to God?

Cathy Baker

Does the Bible say exactly how we're supposed to pray to God?...

God Has a Plan for You - 10 Encouraging Scriptures

Meg Bucher

Though we continue to be a people that rebel against God and struggle with sin, salvation in Christ secures our eternal place in heaven. Jesus will return to earth to complete the restoration of God’s...

What Are the Praiseworthy Things That Christians Should Think On?

Lisa Loraine Baker

One look at this list will show us the qualities of a righteous person, one committed to the Lord and one who keeps His Word. Where do we go to learn the hows of a godly life? The Bible. As we grow in...

What Are the Wide and Narrow Gates in Matthew 7?

Blair Parke

Matthew 7:13-14 paints a clear picture of what it means to live a godly life, one that is not always easy and not always a favorite among those around you. Matthew 7:13-14 depicts two separate gates, ...

Dirty Kisses

Christians have been saved from sin; they should refrain from “kissing” the world....

Why Does Small Group Bible Study Matter?

Pamela Palmer

Maybe you heard a great sermon on community, or you've been seeing the same flyer every Sunday for weeks, advertising a new small group Bible study. But you wonder if it will really be worth your time...

From Slave to Second-in-Command: 7 Lessons from Joseph’s Life in Egypt

Lisa Loraine Baker

Joseph may seem innocent and naïve to many who read his life story in Genesis, but he had wisdom beyond his years. Through his story, the Scriptures give us many lessons by which to live....

What Should We Know about the Number 12 in the Bible?

Andy Lee

Have you wondered if numbers repeated in the Bible, like the number 12, have special meaning? ...

What Are the Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible?

Ben Reichert

Maybe you've heard about the deuterocanonical books. Are these "extra books of the Bible" that people have forgotten, or something else?...

What Does the Bible Say about Choosing Our Friends?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The truth about friends is they will affect your life because these are the people who are closest to you. Their access to your life is going to lift you up or tear you down. They are going to help yo...

How Caleb’s Journey of Faith Encourages Us Today

Brad Simon

Caleb left an inheritance of a godly example for us to emulate. Despite what happened to him, he remained loyal to the Lord. While everyone around him doubted, he looked to God for his strength to go ...

How Can Christians Watch Out for the Sneaky Sin of Envy?

Jared Salomon

Several Scripture passages show us the traits of envy and troubles that come from envy. But these passages also advise us on how to watch out for envy....

Cling to These 5 Promises of God When You Feel Discouraged

Kirstyn Mayden

When we feel discouraged, God’s Word encourages and uplifts our minds and spirits, reminding us that we are not alone, and that God is the lifter of our souls. When we are discouraged, reading and rec...

7 Prayers for When Christmas Prep Feels Overwhelming

Pamela Palmer

The Christmas season is surely a very busy time of year for most. We have homes to decorate, gatherings to host with loved ones, and shopping for gifts to do in addition to all our normal responsibili...

What You Need to Know about Hezekiah in the Bible

Dawn Wilson

Verifying his place in biblical history, archaeologists found Hezekiah’s royal seal in 2010 in an area at the foot of the southern wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem....