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Found 694 Results for ����� 2: 24
11 Times the Old Testament Predicts Jesus' Birth and Death

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Modern readers tend to shy away from the concept of prophecy. But the Bible is holy. It is "God-breathed." We can trust every word it contains. How? Because it makes predictions that came true, some t...

How to Overcome a Distorted View of God as a Father

Rachel Britton

As we think about this special relationship with God, we should remember our heavenly Father is not human (Numbers 23:19). “God is spirit” says John 4:24. Yet because God is Spirit, this can make Him ...

Why Was Capernaum Such an Important City in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

In the ancient world, Capernaum was the place to live if you wanted a life as a merchant. Capernaum existed as a trading village of about 1500 people on the northwestern Galilean seashore to the south...

Why Is Abel Included in the Hebrews 11 “Hall of Faith”?

Brad Simon

Abel’s faith was characterized by his genuine devotion and obedience to God’s command. As Christians, we are called to emulate this kind of faith – a faith accompanied by sincere actions of love for G...

Why We Should Expect Suffering

Instead of following along with our self-obsessed, comfort-minded culture, Christians should expect suffering. It's the rule, not the exception....

For the Sake of the Name

In his third letter, John doesn’t use the phrase “in Jesus’ name” or “the name of Jesus”; it’s simply, “for the sake of the name.” Why this phrase? Is John trying to keep a secret?...

10 Things to Know about Taking Communion

Sam Storms

Why is it Called the Lord's Supper or Communion? The Lord's Supper is also called "the Lord's table" (1 Corinthians 10:21), "communion," "cup of blessing" (1 Corinthians 10:16), and "breaking of bread...

How to Keep Pushing through to Your Promised Land

Frank Santora

Sometimes it’s a very long journey from “Egypt” to the “Promised Land” in our lives. After the excitement of deliverance from bondage to Pharoah, we set off into the wilderness, thinking it’s only an ...

What Are the Different Types of Angels in the Bible?

Mike Leake

My aim here is to outline what the Scripture tells us about the different types of angels and to go no further into speculation. It is an important topic. And I believe angels still act in our world t...

Applying the Wisdom of Proverbs Today

Debbie W. Wilson

Did you know the book of Proverbs is broken up in such a way that we can read one a day for a month? That's a great way to work in some of the wisdom of this book into your everyday life! Let's take a...

Be Alert to the Temptation of These Seducing Spirits

Frank Santora

Even though we are living in extremely dark times, keep in mind that darkness is the most advantageous condition for light to shine brightly. So, to borrow an age-old axiom, these may be the wors...

Who Were the Canaanites, and Why Did God Order Their Destruction?

Mike Leake

The story of the Canaanites is a difficult one to reckon with. We do well to let the Bible speak for itself and even allow our questions at times to remain unanswered. God is rescuing people from ever...

What Is Saving Faith? Do James and Paul Disagree?

David Paul

We are told in no uncertain terms in the Bible that if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, and that whosever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life. Faith is c...

What Is the Day of Atonement?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Old Testament sacrifices show us it’s the blood which makes atonement. The life (blood) of the animal is poured out in its death, which brings peace between God and the people (Leviticus 17:11). J...

Where Do We See Eunuchs in the Bible?

Betty Dunn

Discussing eunuchs in the Bible may sound odd, but it has important insights you would not expect....

What Is a Concubine? Why Did God Allow Men to Take Concubines in the Bible?

Emily Hall

In the Bible, a concubine was a woman acquired by a man as a secondary wife. Her purpose was to provide a male heir in the case of a barren wife, to provide more children in general to enhance the fam...

What Is the Significance of Bread in the Bible?

Karen Whiting

The account of Jesus feeding thousands of people with bread and fish shows extravagant love. The miracle went beyond mere food. It showed us the compassion of Jesus and his ability to provide much mor...

What Would It Look Like for You to Take Up Your Cross and Follow Christ?

Dawn Wilson

Jesus said we must take up our cross. Our taking up is really a matter of bowing down. Jesus never hid the cost of discipleship. He calls us to bow in absolute surrender to Him. This isn’t a myst...

Out of Life’s Storms Emerge Champions

Frank Santora

The so-called “Ice Bowl” of 1967 was a Super Bowl game played in Wisconsin in a temperature of -15F, with a wind chill of -48F. This was truly a game which tested the mettle of the men on a frozen gri...