Search Results for 2 cor 3

Found 1425 Results for 2 cor 3
2 Corinthians 6

CORINTHIANS. CHAPTER VI. The Apostolic Ministry. SUMMARY.--An Exhortation to Believers. The Blameless Ministry of Paul and His Fellow-Workers. The...

Hebreos 4

HEBREOS 4DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASUBS4RVLBLAVPBJUn reposo para el pueblo de DiosReposo de Dios y del creyenteEl reposo del pue...


Pride [N] [T] The Old Testament. While pride is sometimes used in the Old Testament in a positive sense (i.e., the pride of the land of Israel [ Psalm...

Death of Christ

Death of Christ The Place in the Gospels. In the records of Jesus that the Gospels give us, it is clear that a place of supreme significance is given ...

New Self

New Self Paul refers to the transformation that occurs at conversion as the creation of a new self. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off...

1 Thessalonians 5

THESSALONIANS. CHAPTER V. Closing Admonitions. SUMMARY.--The Time of the Lord's Coming Unknown. Will Be Sudden. Hence, Let Us Not Be Asleep. Let ...

Thorn in the flesh

Thorn in the flesh( 2?Corinthians 12:7-10 ). Many interpretations have been given of this passage. Roman Catholic writers think that it denotes sugge...


Prostitution [N]The Old Testament. Common Prostitution. While the law forbids parents from forcing daughters into prostitution, there is no penalty at...


Power [N]Power is an English logical construct referring to a variety of ideas relating to ability, capacity, authority, and might/strength. In human ...

Judas 1

JUDASDivisi?n de los p?rrafos en traducciones modernas*Reina Valera 1960RV1960La Biblia de las AmericasLBLADios Habla HoyDHHBiblia JerusalenBJSaludo a...

Perfect, Perfection

Perfect, Perfection Two word-groups in the Hebrew Old Testament are translated perfect or perfection: tamam [m'T] and calal [l;l'K]. The former connot...


Legalism The term legalism commonly denotes preoccupation with form at the expense of substance. While it is now used metaphorically in all areas of h...

New Heavens and a New Earth

New Heavens and a New Earth The idea of new heavens and a new earth is explicitly noted in Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; 2pe 3:13; and Revelation 21:1. The Old...


Footnotes(1 )Luke xi. 10.(2 )Prov. xvii. 28, lxx.(3 )Is. ii. 3, lxx.(4 )Phil. iii. 14.(5 )i.e., confessed or denied himself a Christian. The Benedicti...

The Mission of Titus to the Corinthians

ri^HE mission of Titus, which occupies so prominent a place in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, has been the subject of much discussion with re...


Fire [N] [T] [E] [S]One of the most arresting and suggestive metaphors in the Bible is that of fire, a phenomenon common to all cultures ancient and ...

Acts 22:1

Brethren and fathers (Andre adelpoi kai patere) Men, brethren, and fathers. The very language used by Stephen ( 2?Corinthians 7:2 ) when arraigned be...

Ignorant, Ignorance

Ignorant, Ignorance The Old Testament. While the concept of ignorance is found often in variousequivalents, the word itself rarely appears (only twice...


Fellowship [N] [E]To appreciate the full meaning of the word-group in the New Testament that conveys the nature and reality of Christian fellowship (i...


Suffering [N]The experience of physical pain and/or mental distress. The words and phrases in the Bible expressing this concept are too numerous to li...