Search Results for acts 11

Found 11352 Results for acts 11
Isaiah 32:8

Overview - Isaiah 32 1?The blessings of Christ's kingdom. 9?Desolation is foreshewn. 15?Restoration is promised to succeed. Treasury of Scripture Kno...

Psalms 25:21

Overview - Psalms 25 1?David's confidence in prayer. 7?He prays for remission of sins; 16?and for help in affliction. Treasury of Scripture Knowledge...


Paul [E] [H] [S]Also called SAUL Acts 8:1 ; 9:1 ; 13:9 From the tribe of Benjamin, Romans 11:1 ; Philippians 3:5 Personal appearance of 2 Cor...

Hebrews 11:37

Overview - Hebrews 11 1?What faith is. 6?Without faith we cannot please God. 7?The worthy fruits thereof in the fathers of old time. Treasury of Scr...

1 Corinthians 3:6

Overview - 1?Corinthians 3 1?Milk is fit for children. 3?Strife and division, arguments of a fleshly mind. 7?He that planteth and he that watereth, ...


Ships [E] Probably originated from the ark made by Noah Genesis 7:17 Genesis 7:18 Antiquity of, among the Jews Genesis 49:13 ; Judges 5:17 D...

6.44. Acts

Acts 1 Acts 1:1 - 4.16.2 Acts 1:2 - Acts 1:3 - 3.10.7 Acts 1:4 3 - 2.4.3,, Acts 1:5 3 - 3.21.12,,

Luke 21:12

Overview - Luke 21 1?Christ commends the poor widow. 5?He foretells the destruction of the temple, and of the city Jerusalem; 25?the signs also which...

Acts 11:1

Acts 11:1 And the apostles and brethren that were in Judea The rest of the twelve apostles, and the private members of the churches that were in Judea...

Acts 10:18

Overview - Acts 10 1?Cornelius, a devout man, being commanded by an angel, sends for Peter, 11?who by a vision is taught not to despise the Gentiles; ...

Acts 18:6

Overview - Acts 18 1?Paul labours with his hands, and preaches at Corinth to the Gentiles. 9?The Lord encourages him in a vision. 12?He is accused be...

John 11:43

Overview - John 11 1?Christ raises Lazarus, four days buried. 45?Many Jews believe. 47?The high priests and Pharisees gather a council against Christ....

Acts 11:3

Acts 11:3 Saying, thou wentest into men uncircumcised Into the houses of such, and lodged with them, and familiarly conversed with them: and didst ea...

Mark 1:8

Overview - Mark 1 1?The office of John the Baptist. 9?Jesus is baptized; 12?tempted; 14?he preaches; 16?calls Peter, Andrew, James, and John; 23?heal...

Hebrews 2:4

Overview - Hebrews 2 1?We ought to be obedient to Christ Jesus; 5?and that because he vouchsafed to take our nature upon him; 14?as it was necessary....

Judea, modern

Judea, modern One of the divisions of the Holy Land under the Romans Luke 3:1 Comprised the whole of the ancient kingdom of Judah 1?Kings 12:2...

2 Corinthians 1:11

Ye also helping together on our behalf (sunupourgountwn kai umwn uper hmwn). Genitive absolute with present active participle of late compound verb (...

Acts 19:10

Overview - Acts 19 1?The Holy Ghost is given by Paul's hands. 8?The Jews blaspheme his doctrine, which is confirmed by miracles. 13?The Jewish exorci...

Acts 14:26

Overview - Acts 14 1?Paul and Barnabas are persecuted from Iconium. 8?At Lystra Paul heals a cripple, whereupon they are reputed as gods. 19?Paul is ...

Acts 11:18

Overview - Acts 11 1?Peter, being accused for going in to the Gentiles, 5?makes his defence; 18?which is accepted. 19?The gospel being spread in Phen...