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Found 151 Results for birthday
The Chaplet, or De Corona.

The Chaplet, or De Corona. The Chaplet, or De Corona.(1) -------- Chapter I.Very lately it happened thus: while the bounty of our most excellent emper...

Book VIII.

Book VIII.Book VIII. Introduction.As we have described in seven books the events from the time of the apostles,(1) we think it proper in this eighth b...

Oration XLV.

Oration XLV.Oration XLV.The Second Oration on Easter. This Oration was not, as its title would perhaps lead us to suppose, delivered immediately after...

Philosophy and Religion

I. PHlLOSOPHY AND RELlGlON.* On the last page of Tom Brown at Rugby there is a vivid and soulful picture of Tom's return, years after his school-day...

Lecture II

LECTURE II HISTORICAL EVIDENCE AS AFFECTED BY TIME. Historical criticism is comparatively a modern science. For the introduction and establishment o...

Book V.

Book V.Book V. Sec. I.-Concerning the Martyrs. That It is Reasonable for the Faithful to Supply the Wants of Those Who are Afflicted for the Sake of C...

On Idolatry.

On Idolatry.On Idolatry.[Translated by the Rev. S. Thelwall.]-------- Chapter I.-Wide Scope of the Word Idolatry.The principal crime of the human race...

1899: Persistence

1899 PERSISTENCE Brethren Of The Graduating Class :?You have come with the help of God to the end of a long course of study and of sacrifice. Some ...

Walt Whitman

WALT WHITMAN Man might live at first The animal life: but is there nothing more? In due time, let him critically learn How he lives; and, the more h...

Book IV.

Book IV.Book IV. Chapter I.-The Bishops of Rome and of Alexandria During the Reign of Trajan.1 About the twelfth year of the reign of Trajan the above...


GOETHE THE POET OF PANTHEISM Who is the greatest German? There are two, and only two, who can compete for the honor?Luther and Goethe. In native gen...

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW That is a great day in one's history when he gets his first view of the beauty and the mystery of poetry. Far-reaching v...


SECOND HALF-PRACTICAL.-Ch. x. 19-xiii. 24. The Call to a Life in Harmony with the Glory of God's Revelation of Himself in the Son. NINTH SECTION.-x...

Chapter I--Preliminary

PART V. ANTHROPOLOGY, OR THE DOCTRINE OF MAN. CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY. I. Man A Creation Of God And A Child Of God. The fact of man's creation is...

Book I.

Book I. Book I.(1) Wherein is described the god of Marcion. He is shown to be utterly wanting in all the attributes of the true God. Chapter I.-Prefac...

Book VII.

Book VII.Book VII.1. Since it has been sufficiently shown, as far as there has been opportunity, how vain it is to forth images, the course of our arg...

On Virginity

On VirginityOn Virginity IntroductionThe object of this treatise is to create in its readers a passion for the life according to excellence. There are...

Book VI.

Book VI.Book VI. Chapter I.-Expedition of Julian into Persia; He Was Worsted and Broke Off His Life Miserably. Letter Written by Libanius, Describing ...

Book I. Of the False Worship of the Gods.

Book I. Of the False Worship of the Gods.Book I. Of the False Worship of the Gods. Preface.-Of What Great Value the Knowledge of the Truth is and Alwa...

Chapter VII

will nicht lernen mehr?the old ox will not learn. If you do any thing for them you must hide the good. They had employed teachers to teach the young g...