Search Results for deuteronomy 18

Found 180 Results for deuteronomy 18
How Do We See God’s Love in Action through Jacob and Rachel’s Love Story?

Jessica Brodie

God has a plan that He will fulfill despite our all-too-human orchestrations, manipulations, and petty jealousies. Despite Rachel and Leah’s sisterly squabbles and the addition of two more wives into ...

What Should Christians Know about the Euphrates River?

Whitney Hopler

The Euphrates River has fascinating symbolic meaning in the Bible and is mentioned in biblical prophecies about it drying up, as well. Learning about the Euphrates River can help us understand more ab...

What Are the Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible?

Ben Reichert

Maybe you've heard about the deuterocanonical books. Are these "extra books of the Bible" that people have forgotten, or something else?...

What Is the Meaning of the First Week of Advent Candle?

G. Connor Salter

You may not have grown up lighting an advent candle or know what the word “advent” even means. You can still take part in this centuries-old tradition that teaches us about the central themes of Chris...

How Can Joshua and Caleb’s Powerful Faith Encourage You?

Jessica Brodie

Faith isn’t always easy, but God is the Creator of the universe, the Alpha and the Omega, and God is all-powerful. On our own, we can do little, but when we are doing God’s will, God will always trium...

What Christians Should Know about the Year of Jubilee

Hope Bolinger

The year of Jubilee was a great time in Israel, an event every 50 years that allowed for rest and celebration. What can we learn from this happy event that we can apply to our lives today?...

Why Does the Bible Warn against Witchcraft?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

There is no such thing as a harmless form of witchcraft. This includes tarot cards, horoscopes, Ouija boards, or anything else that aligns with witchcraft, regardless of how unassuming it may seem. Th...

What You Need to Know about the Apostle's Creed

Larry White

Maybe you've recited the Apostle's Creed - or something similar - in church. Maybe you've heard it put into a song on the radio. Maybe you are new to the faith and looking for a good way to sum it all...

Are the 10 Commandments Still Relevant for Us Today?

Heather Adams

Simple and direct, this list from God has had the power to equip believers throughout the ages to live well. The Laws are echoed throughout Scripture, and woven into the truths of the Old Testament, a...

How Many Wives Did King David Have and What Do We Know about Them?

Annette Griffin

But while God was raising up this mighty man of valor to be a fearless leader and man after His own heart, the women who would become King David’s wives were also being groomed to become a part of God...

What Is Judaizing and Does It Still Happen Today?

Bethany Verrett

In part because of ignorance and confusion (although later for the sake of forcing them to conform to specific behaviors) many Jewish people began to pressure Gentile believers into conforming to Jewi...

8 Weeks in Malachi

Our tempers often cause us to forget how gracious the Lord is. We only see half the picture. In this eight-week study, the words of Malachi will reveal the other half....

Why Is It Important That David's 'Cup Runneth Over'?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Psalm 23 is one that we turn to often, both for encouragement and courage in trying times. But despite the familiarity of these lines, there is still some odd language throughout. Specifically, what d...

How to Bring Biblical Blessings into Your Life

Allie Boman

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 This most famous o...

7 Prayers for Loneliness for When You Feel Unseen

Melissa Henderson

Have you felt lost? A prayer for loneliness can bring peace and comfort. No matter the reason we feel lonely, going to God in prayer is the best way to remember we are not alone....

What Does the Bible Say about the Soul?

Lisa Loraine Baker

As human beings created in the image of God, our souls were given by God when He breathed life into the first man — Adam. No breath of God, no life....

Does the Bible Condemn Using Tarot Cards?

Lisa Loraine Baker

A piece of printed paper or cardstock is, in and of itself, harmless. But the use of such an article for sinful intent is therefore evil. Because of their use in a sinful manner, it’s best to have no ...

What Is a Pagan?

Mike Leake

Paganism was often equated with unbelief. Because of this, it can be difficult to nail down the central beliefs of paganism. What makes someone a pagan? Is it simply unbelief, or is there a set of bel...

What Does the Bible Say about Darkness?

Lisa Loraine Baker

From the darkness over the waters in Genesis 1 to the darkness overcome at the end of Revelation, the Bible is filled with discussions about darkness. But what does the Bible say about darkness, as a ...

An Introduction to Corporate Election

Ed Jarrett

The Bible was written in a time when the family, clan, and tribe were very important. And one’s identity was largely based on the group they were a part of. For them, the idea of corporate election wo...