Search Results for fear not

Found 708 Results for fear not
God's Promises: Scripture Truths to Cling To Every Day

Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff

The Bible is full of promises - hundreds of truths for our faith to be founded on. And every one of those promises are for believers. All the promises have been fulfilled. Unfortunately, very few of u...

Jesus Still Speaks "Peace, Be Still!" Over Your Life Today

Jennifer Heeren

Mark 4:39 gives an example of the power of Jesus and why we should trust in Him....

Should Church Leaders Ever Address a Woman about Modesty?

Dawn Wilson

Discussions about modesty are difficult in a desensitized culture, but church leaders have the responsibility to strategically educate and equip congregations from God’s word concerning immodest cloth...

3 Reasons Christians Should Stop Worrying about the Mark of the Beast

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Many people are worried about the mark of the beast these days. Whether they fear it will come from a vaccine, or some other source, many are concerned that they will be tricked into taking the mark. ...

Beyond Sunday: Chained to the World

We have the world in our hearts so much and are so taken up with thoughts and cares of worldly things, that we have neither time nor spirit to see God's hand in them....

10 Powerful Facts About the Cross of Christ & His Crucifixion

Sam Storms

Not too long ago a book was published with the title: What was God doing on the Cross? It appears that there are two questions being asked, not one. First, “What was God doing on the cross?” Why was t...

7 Solid Anchors for Your Anxious Soul

Sarah Walton

Suffering and worry often go hand in hand. One of the greatest battles I wage on a daily basis is with anxiety over sickness—especially during the cold winter months when it’s nearly impossible to avo...

What Christians Mean When Calling God ‘Adonai’

Heather Adams

Throughout history, God has sought to build strong relationships with His people. Long before He sent His Son to earth, God began revealing Himself to mankind in other ways. One of the first was shari...

Time For a Check Up of the Heart

Mark Altrogge

When the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us, he changes our hearts and minds. He gives us the mind of Christ (Php 2:5). And we are to cooperate with him by actively transforming our minds and thinking b...

3 Ways Satan Tries to Lure Us Away from Christ

Michael Jakes

From the very dawn of human history, Satan has made his intentions clear. Man has been the object of his intense hatred. As he conversed with Eve in the garden through the serpent, his purposes become...

5 Things We Learn from Joseph's Faith at Christmas

Debbie W. Wilson

Most of us today have a clean and neat image of the first Christmas in our minds. But in reality, both Mary and Joseph experienced a bevy of emotions and challenges that included betrayal, fear, and l...

How Does What the Enemy Meant for Evil Become Good in Joseph's Life?

Cathy Baker

What does Joseph mean when he says that what the enemy meant for evil became something else in his life?...

Is Satan Real?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

A recent study found that more Americans believe in Satan than in God. But is Satan real? Here's what the Bible has to tell us about him....

3 Prayers and Ways to Support Florida During Hurricane Ian

Tiffany Curtis

Here are three prayers for those in the path of Hurricane Ian, as well as a few ways we can support our brothers and sisters from afar during natural disasters....

What Does Paul Mean by Godly Sorrow?

Heather Adams

True godly sorrow is founded on the Lord. In order to feel it, then, we first have to know what pleases God. The Bible lays out His standard for us, as well as His Laws. And any success we have in thi...

What Does the Bible Say about Anxiety?

Hope Bolinger

Often when Christians meet fellow believers who deal with anxiety, whether temporary or chronic, they will sometimes quote the verse “do not be anxious about anything” from Philippians (Philippians 4...

How Does the Bible Encourage Us to Pursue Humility?

Heather Adams

Some people think showing humility is a sign of weakness. But actually, it reflects maturity - having a strong sense of self-acceptance and a love for others. Humbleness comes from acknowledging that ...

4 Ways to Seek Peace Like Jesus Did

Ashley Hooker

The words Jesus spoke in John 14:27 help us experience moments of peace, moments where peace is freely given. John 14:27 states “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give a...

4 Uplifting Lessons from Hannah's Life and Prayer

Kirstyn Mayden

Like Hannah, we also face difficult challenges and difficult seasons in life, but being diligent in seeking God in prayer will guide, uplift, and encourage us to move forward in faith. Our circumstanc...

How Old Was Abraham When He Died?

Kelly-Jayne McGlynn

Abraham is famous for trusting God to bear him at such a late stage in life, and he continued trusting him for another 75 years. But what else do we know about what Abraham accomplished in his long li...