Search Results for isa 10

Found 2202 Results for isa 10

Shame [N]Shame is a consequence of sin. Feelings of guilt and shame are subjective acknowledgments of an objective spiritual reality. Guilt is judicia...

Revelation 21:1

In the previous chapter, John was shown an ideal time on earth when Satan was bound and Christ and the saints ruled for one thousand years. As wonder...

Deuteronomio 32

DEUTERONOMIO 31:30-32:20DIVISI?N POR P?RRAFOS DE LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNASNKJVNRSVTEVNJBEl canto de Mois?s(31:30-32:47)32:1-14(versos 1-6)(versos 7-9)...

12.6.1. Sheep in Bozrah

where she has a place ??? ???? ???? ????? [Hopu echei ekei topon] , where she is having there (a) place. This appears to speak of a specific location...

Revelation 6:17

the great day of His wrath The great day is The Day of the Lord, a unique time yet future when God will radically intervene in history to demonstrate...

Revelation 12:4

his tail drew Drew is ????? [syrei] : ?To drag, pull, draw . . . in catching fish,?1 ?as moving someone or something along by force.?2 He exhibited ...

Revelation 2:3

persevered The Ephesians had in common their perseverance (???????? [hypomon?n] ) with John?s patience (Rev. Rev. 1:9+), the trait of faithfully waiti...

Revelation 18:6

Render to her just as she rendered to you Render is ??????? [apodote] , plural imperative, you all give back to her! Who is this command given to?Acco...


Name [N]In contemporary Western culture a name rarely possesses significance beyond that of a highly sentimental, perhaps aesthetically conditioned re...

Revelation 21:10

he carried me away in the Spirit The identical phrase described John?s journey with the angel who showed him the Harlot (Rev. Rev. 17:3+). An intenti...

Psalms 87

PSALM 87 Psalms 87:1-7 . This triumphal song was probably occasioned by the same event as the the glory of the Church, as the means of spirit...

Revelation 18:5

her sins have reached to heaven Although each and every evil deed of history is known to God, there comes a time where the number and magnitude of sin...

Color, Symbolic Meaning of

Color, Symbolic Meaning of Although the Bible contains relatively few references to individual colors, their symbolic associations are theologically s...

3.2.5. Five Fallen Kings

The five kings which had fallen by John?s day (Rev. Rev. 17:10+) appear to represent kingdoms (see #4 - Seven Heads/Kings). Assuming Rome is the king...

Esdras 9

ESDRAS 9DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNASLBLARVR AntiguaRVR60DHHBJOraci?n de Esdras9:1-49:5-15Oraci?n y confesi?n de Esdras9:1-15Orac...

Luke 8:38

Overview - Luke 8 1?Women minister unto Christ of their substance. 4?Christ, after he had preached from place to place, attended by his apostles, pro...

Revelation 14:11

the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever This phrase speaks of eternal judgment, like that which will ultimately befall the land of Edom a...

Revelation 1:15

His feet It would appear that His feet were unshod: They were no doubt bare; as were the feet of the Levitical priesthood ministering in the sanctuar...

Revelation 18:9

her plagues will come in one day When her judgment finally comes, it will be swift and decisive (Isa. Isa. 47:9, Isa. 47:11; Rev. Rev. 18:9+, Rev. 18:...

Haggai 2:9

Overview - Haggai 2 1?He encourages the people to the work, by promise of greater glory to the second temple than was in the first. 10?In the type of ...