Search Results for tobit 12

Found 136 Results for tobit 12
Book III.

Book III.Book III. Chapter I. We are taught by David and Solomon how to take counsel with our own heart. Scipio is not to be accounted prime author of...

Book II.

Book II.Book II.In the Shape of a Letter Addressed to the Presbyter Peter. He advises Peter not to incur the imputation of having approved of the book...

The Essenes: Origin and Affinities of the Essenes

B. .ORIGIN AND AFFINITIES OF THE ESSENES. The prin- f I iHE ruling principle of the Restoration under Ezra was the the resto- isolation of the Jewis...


LECTURE XII. FAITH VIEWED RELATIVELY TO KITES AND WORKS. J NOW proceed to show that though we are justified, ?*- as St. Paul says, by faith, and, as...


ProlegomenaProlegomenaChapter I.Literature?1. Editions, &c. (A) Before 1601 only Latin translations. The first, at Vicenza, 1482, completed by Barnaba...

New Testament Literature

NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE. ? 1. From lino, to daub or smear (supine, litum), comes litera, a mark, and more especially a significant mark?a character?...


Book XIIIBook XIII------------Argument-In this book it is taught that death is penal, and had its origin in Adam's sin. Chapter 1.-Of the Fall of the ...

Part III. How the Ruler, While Living Well, Ought to Teach and Admonish Those that are Put Under Him.

Part III. How the Ruler, While Living Well, Ought to Teach and Admonish Those that are Put Under Him.Part III. How the Ruler, While Living Well, Ought...

Introductory Dissertation

Introductory Dissertation Introductory Dissertation Ephraim the Syrian and Aphrahat the Persian Sage--------PreliminaryThe two Fathers of the Syrian C...

Treatise XII. Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews.

Treatise XII. Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews.Treatise XII.(1) Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews.Cyprian to his son Quirinus, gr...

Book I

Book IBook I------------Argument-Augustin censures the pagans, who attributed tile calamities of the world, and especially the recent sack of Rome by ...

Concerning Man's Perfection in Righteousness

Concerning Man's Perfection in RighteousnessConcerning Man's Perfection in RighteousnessIn One Book, Addressed to Eutropius and Paulus, a.d. 415.-----...

A Commentary on the Apostles' Creed.

A Commentary on the Apostles' Creed.A Commentary on the Apostles' Creed. This exposition of the Creed was made at the request of Laurentius, a Bishop ...

Book V.

Book V.Book V. Chapter I.It is not, my reverend Ambrosius, because we seek after many words-a thing which is forbidden, and in the indulgence of which...

Book XXII.

Book XXII.Book XXII. Faustus states his objections to the morality of the law and the prophets, and Augustin seeks by the application of the type and ...

Book I

Book IBook I-------- Chapter I.-Preface-The Author's Object-The Utility of Written Compositions.(1) [Wants the beginning] that you may read them unde...