Search Results for 2 corinthians 4:14

Found 712 Results for 2 corinthians 4:14
1 Kings 3:28

Overview - 1?Kings 3 1?Solomon marries Pharaoh's daughter. 2?High places being in use, Solomon sacrifices at Gibeon. 5?Solomon at Gibeon, in the cho...

John 4:14

Overview - John 4 1?Christ talks with a woman of Samaria, and reveals himself unto her. 27?His disciples marvel. 31?He declares to them his zeal for G...

Proverbs 24:9

Treasury of Scripture KnowledgeProverbs 24:9??(King James Version)The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men. ?though...

Revelation 21:6

Overview - Revelation 21 1?A new heaven and a new earth. 10?The heavenly Jerusalem, with a full description thereof. 23?She needs no sun, the glory of...

Isaiah 59:21

Overview - Isaiah 59 1?The calamities of the Jews not owing to want of saving power in God, but to their own enormous sins. 16?Salvation is only of Go...

2 Kings 2:15

Overview - 2?Kings 2 1?Elijah, taking his leave of Elisha, with his mantle divides Jordan; 9?and, granting Elisha his request, is taken up by a fiery...

Resurrection of the dead

Resurrection of the deadwill be simultaneous both of the just and the unjust ( Daniel 12:2 ; John 5:28 John 5:29 ; Romans 2:6-16 ; 2 th 1:6-10 )....

1 Corinthians 12:13

Overview - 1?Corinthians 12 1?Spiritual gifts, 4?are diverse, 7?yet all to profit withal. 8?And to that end are diversely bestowed; 12?that by the ...


Call [E]PERSONALBy Christ Isaiah 55:5 TO SPECIAL RELIGIOUS DUTYOF ABRAHAM Genesis 12:1-3 ; Isaiah 51:2 ; Hebrews 11:8 MOSES Exodus 3:2 Exo...

Colossians 1:22

Yet now (nuni de). Sharpened contrast with emphatic form of nun, now being not at the present moment, but in the present order of things in the new d...

2 Timothy 3:10

Overview - 2?Timothy 3 1?He advertises him of the times to come; 6?describes the enemies of the truth; 10?propounds unto him his own example; 16?and ...

Hebrews 11:37

Overview - Hebrews 11 1?What faith is. 6?Without faith we cannot please God. 7?The worthy fruits thereof in the fathers of old time. Treasury of Scr...

Titus 2:8

Sound (ugih, Attic usually ugia in accusative singular), elsewhere in Pastorals participle ugianwn (verse Philippians 1 ). That cannot be condemned ...

John 21:15

Overview - John 21 1?Christ appearing again to his disciples is known of them by the great draught of fishes. 12?He dines with them; 15?earnestly comm...

Proverbs 7:8

Overview - Proverbs 7 1?Solomon persuades to a sincere and kind familiarity with wisdom. 6?In an example of his own experience, he shews, 10?the cunn...

2 Thessalonians 1:12

Overview - 2?Thessalonians 1 1?Paul certifies them of the good opinion which he had of their faith, love, and patience; 11?and therewithal uses divers...


Holiness [T] [E]General scriptures concerning Genesis 17:1 ; 35:2 ; Exodus 19:6 ; 22:31 ; 28:36 ; 39:30 ; Leviticus 10:8-10 ; Leviticus 11:44...

Proverbs 9:6

Overview - Proverbs 9 1?The discipline, 4?and doctrine of wisdom. 13?The custom, 16?and error of folly. Treasury of Scripture KnowledgeProverbs 9:6??...

Job 34:8

Overview - Job 34 1?Elihu accuses Job for charging God with injustice. 10?God omnipotent cannot be unjust. 31?Man must humble himself unto God. 34?Eli...

Ephesians 5:11

Overview - Ephesians 5 1?After general exhortations to love; 3?to flee fornication; 4?and all uncleanness; 7?not to converse with the wicked; 15?to...