Search Results for be ye thankful

Found 365 Results for be ye thankful
Spiritual Songs Part 2 (59-122)

59 John xxi. 16. CM. 1?Do not I love Thee, O my Lord? Behold my heart, and see! And cast each hated idol down, That dares to rival Thee. 2?Do n...

Homily XIV.

Homily XIV.Homily XIV. ROM. VIII. 12, 13.-Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the fle...

Book I

OF THE OBJECT OF WORSHIP. TWO things are to be observed and considered,?That the Lord God is the object of worship,?that he alone is the object of w...

Prayers and Thanksgivings for Particular Occasions

PRAYERS AND THANKSGIVINGS PARTICULAR OCCASIONS. LAST EVENING OF THE OLD YEAR. Jay. O God, thou hast been our refuge and dwelling place in all gene...

Book XIV.(1)

Book XIV.(1) Book XIV.(1) ------------Argument-Augustin again treats of the sin of the first man, and teaches that it is the cause of the carnal life ...

Matthew 24

Chapter?24Christ?s preaching was mostly practical; but, in this chapter, we have a prophetical discourse, a prediction of things to come; such however...

Homily VI.

Homily VI.Homily VI. This Homily is intended to shew that the fear of Magistrates is beneficial. It also contains an account of what occurred, during ...

The Cross and the Crown ?Ps xxii 11-31,

XXXII. THE CROSS AND THE CROWN. 11 Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help. 12 Many bulls have compassed me: strong bul...

On the Glory of Martyrdom.

On the Glory of Martyrdom. On the Glory of Martyrdom.(1) Argument.-The Glory of Martyrdom,-Namely, What Martyrdom Is, How Great It Is, and of What Ad...

Are You Forgiven?

Are You Forgiven? YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN YOU. 1 John ii. 12. Reader,? Do you see the question which stands at the head of this page ? It is just p...

Book I.

Book I.Book I.Jovinianus, concerning whom we know little more than is to be found in the two following books, had published at Rome a Latin treatise c...

First Week

FAMILY PRAYERS. FIRST WEEK SABBATH MORNING. Jay. O Thou King eternal, immortal, invisible, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto, a...

V. On Exhortation to Chastity.

V. On Exhortation to Chastity. V. On Exhortation to Chastity.(1) [Translated by the Rev. S. Thelwall.] Chapter I.-Introduction. Virginity Classified U...

Book I.

Book I.Book I. Chapter I. A Bishop's special office is to teach; St. Ambrose himself, however, has to learn in order that he may teach; or rather has ...

Sermon LXIX

The Fifth Of My Phebend Sehmons Upon My Five Psalms. SERMON LXIX. PREACHED AT ST. PAUL'S. Psalm Lxvi. 3. Say unto God, How terrible art thou in...

Matthew 5

Chapter?5This chapter, and the two that follow it, are a sermon; a famous sermon; the sermon upon the mount. It is the longest and fullest continued d...

Sermon 27

Sermons on Important Subjects. Sermon 27. LIFE AND IMMORTALITY REVEALED IN THE GOSPEL, 2 riM.' i. 10. And hath brought life and immortality to li...

Matthew 15

Chapter?15In this chapter, we have our Lord Jesus, as the great Prophet teaching, as the great Physician healing, and as the great Shepherd of the she...

Chapter XVII

CHAPTER XVII. SONGS OF THE MORNING. But I will sing of Thy power: yea, I will sing aloud of Thy mercy in the morning. It is pleasant to sit in the...

Homily XI.

Homily XI.Homily XI. 1 Thessalonians v. 19-22.-Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. But prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Ab...