Search Results for exceeding joy unto

Found 563 Results for exceeding joy unto
Book III

Book IIIBook IIIThis book contains a demonstration of the harmony of the evangelists from the accounts of the Supper on to the end of the Gospel, the ...

Manual of Prayer Part 5

PARDON. Great God, I have sinned against thee, times and ways beyond number. If thou shouldst lay righteousness to the line, and judgment to the plu...

Homily LVIII.

Homily LVIII.Homily LVIII.Matthew Chapter 17, Verse 22 And Matthew Chapter 17, Verse 23 And while they abode in Galilee, Jesus said unto them, The Son...

Epistle LV.

Epistle LV. Epistle LV.(1) To the People of Thibaris, Exhorting to Martyrdom. Argument.-Cyprian First of All Excuses Himself to the Thibaritans that H...

Manual of Prayer Part 2

DEATH. Blessed Lord, make me ever mindful of the truth, that it is appointed unto all men once to die. Thou canst wound and kill, and there is none ...


POEMS. HOLY SONNETS. I. La Cohona. Deign at my hands this crown of prayer and praise, Weaved in my low devout melancholy, Thou which of good, ha...

Joel 1

Chapter?1This chapter is the description of a lamentable devastation made of the country of Judah by locusts and caterpillars. Some think that the pro...

Homily IV.

Homily IV.Homily IV. 1 Thessalonians iii. 5-8.-For this cause I also, when I could no longer forbear, sent that I might know your faith, lest by any m...

The Ninth Book


Chapter XII

I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.?Isa. xlviii. 19. THE FIGURE EXPLAINED. This one principl...

First Week

FAMILY PRAYERS. FIRST WEEK SABBATH MORNING. Jay. O Thou King eternal, immortal, invisible, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto, a...

The Shadow of a Great Rock ?Ps xvii ,

XXIII. THE SHADOW OF A GREAT ROCK. 1 Hear the right, O Lord, attend unto my cry; Give ear unto my prayer, that goeth not out of feigned lips. 2 L...

Ephesians 1

EPHESIANS. CHAPTER I. The Foreordination of the Church. SUMMARY.--The Salutation. Our Election and Adoption by Grace. This the Source of Salvation...

Homily XV.

Homily XV.Homily XV. Philippians iv. 10-14.-But I rejoice in the Lord greatly, that now at length ye have revived your thought for me; wherein ye did ...


Homily LXXVIII.Homily LXXVIII.Matthew Chapter 25, Verse 1-Matthew Chapter 25, Verse 30(1) Then shall the kingdom of Heaven, He saith, be likened unto...

1 Timothy 1:15

1 Timothy 1:15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, &c.] This is said, lest it should be thought strange, or scarcely credible, t...

Philippians 2

Chapter?2The apostle proceeds to further exhortations to several duties, to be like-minded, and lowly-minded, which he presses from the example of Chr...

Homily XI.

Homily XI.Homily XI. Colossians iv. 5, 6.-Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seaso...

Homily XIII.

Homily XIII.Homily XIII. 2 COR. VI. 11, 12. Our mouth is open unto you, O ye Corinthians, our heart is enlarged, ye are not straitened in us, but ye a...

Psalm 88:1

PSALM 88 OVERVIEW. Title. -- A Song or Psalm for the sons of Korah. This sad complaint reads very little like a Song, nor can we conceive how it could...