Search Results for isa 1

Found 2501 Results for isa 1
Revelation 19:21

The rest were killed The rest emphasizes the unique treatment of the previous two in comparison with these. Unlike the Beast and the False Prophet, t...

10.3. Israel Married to Jehovah

The nation Israel is unlikely to be the Lamb?s bride because she has already been wed. God the Father is Israel?s husband: 1 ?Return, O backsliding ...

Revelation 8:6

prepared themselves to sound The sounding of the angels will be in response to the prayers of the saints which were offered with incense before the t...

Revelation 15:4

Who shall not fear Not is emphasized by the double-negation, ?? ?? [ou m?] , followed by the subjunctive aorist ??????? [phob?th?] , he should fear.1...

2.33. Inspired

The source of all Scripture is the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. Since the Holy Spirit is God, by His very nature He is completely without error. Th...

Revelation 19:3

Alleluia! See commentary on Revelation 19:1. Her smoke rises up Rises up is ????????? [anabainei] , present tense: it presently rises. The same verb t...

Exodus 8:17

Overview - Exodus 8 1?Frogs are sent. 8?Pharaoh sues to Moses, who by prayer removes them away. 16?The dust is turned into lice, which the magicians ...


Glory [N] [T] [E]Natural Objects. When used in reference to natural objects glory may refer to the brightness of heavenly bodies ( Acts 22:11 ; 1 Col...

Revelation 14:3

They sang ??????? [adousin] , present tense, they are singing. Isaiah indicated that the ransomed (redeemed , below) would return to Zion with singin...

Revelation 4:6

sea of glass, like crystal Those who achieve victory over the beast (by not loving their lives to the death, Rev. Rev. 12:11+) are seen standing on t...

Revelation 1:6

made us kings and priests In both NU and MT, the Greek has appointed us a kingdom (singular), priests to God. A similar difference occurs in Revelatio...

Revelation 8:12

the sun, . . . the moon, . . . the stars Isaiah prophesied the darkening of all three of these sources of light during the Day of the LORD:Behold, the...

4.2. Worship of God

The first question of the Westminster Confession asks: ?What is the chief and highest end of man?? To which the following answer is given: ?Man?s chi...

Obadiah - Introduction

Book Introduction - Obadiah Read first chapter of Obadiah Internal evidence seems to fix the date of Obadiah's ministry in the reign of the bloody Ath...

Acts 10:12

Overview - Acts 10 1?Cornelius, a devout man, being commanded by an angel, sends for Peter, 11?who by a vision is taught not to despise the Gentiles; ...

2 Kings 6:26

Overview - 2?Kings 6 1?Elisha, giving leave to the young prophets to enlarge their dwellings, causes iron to swim. 8?He discloses the king of Syria's...

Providence of God

Providence of God The word providence comes from the Latin providentia (Gk. pronoia [provnoia]) and means essentially foresight or making provision be...

Revelation 6:17

the great day of His wrath The great day is The Day of the Lord, a unique time yet future when God will radically intervene in history to demonstrate...

Zacarias 2

ZACARIAS 2DIVISI?N POR P?RRAFOS DE LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNASNKJVNRSVTEVNJBLa visi?n de la l?nea de divisi?n.2:1-5Gozo futuro de Sion y muchas naciones...

Revelation 1:12

I turned to see John is about to enter into the experience of many other prophets who were given a revelation of the glory of the Lord, usually near ...