Search Results for php 2

Found 191 Results for php 2
Death, Mortality

Death, Mortality Death is the absence or withdrawal of breath and the life force that makes movement, metabolism, and interrelation with others possib...

Priest, Priesthood

Priest, Priesthood Old Testament Priesthood. The primary word for priest in the Old Testament is the Hebrew masculine noun kohen [ehoK], for which we ...


Demon [E] [S]Spirit being who is unclean and immoral in nature and activities. When demons were created, how they came to be demonic, and their organi...

Psalm 30:9

?EXPOSITIONVerse 9. In this verse we learn the form and method of David's prayer. It was an argument with God, an urging of reasons, a pleading of his...

Philippians, Theology of

Philippians, Theology of Paul's letter to the Philippians is not a treatise on theology. Rather, it is a personal letter dealing primarily with person...

Ministry, Minister

Ministry, Minister It is reasonably clear in Scripture that (1) ministry means the service of God and his creatures; (2) the one essential ministry is...

Old Testament in the New Testament, the

Old Testament in the New Testament, the The New Testament proclaims its indebtedness to the Old Testament on the very first page. Matthew begins with ...


Mind/Reason That part of the human being in which thought takes place and perception and decisions to do good, evil, and the like come to expression. ...


Animals [N]God as Creator and Sustainer. Animals, like the rest of the uNIVerse, are created by God. In Genesis 1, God's approval of the created world...


Will [N]The created image of God carries with it awesome responsibility and glory. It includes the ability to make meaningful moral choices ( Gen 1:26...


Wealth [N]The most basic English definitions of wealth are the condition of being happy and prosperous and spiritual well-being (OED). But the most co...

Revelation 20:5

But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. Live again is ???????? [anez?san] : used ?of the dead become aliv...

Providence of God

Providence of God The word providence comes from the Latin providentia (Gk. pronoia [provnoia]) and means essentially foresight or making provision be...


Drink [N] [E]Palestine lacks fresh water rivers and lakes and its dependence upon rain after its yearly hot, dry period makes drought an ongoing possi...


Salvation [N] [T] [E]Of the many Hebrew words used to signify salvation, yasa [[;vy] (to save, help in distress, rescue, deliver, set free) appears mo...


Suffering [N]The experience of physical pain and/or mental distress. The words and phrases in the Bible expressing this concept are too numerous to li...

Fruit of the Spirit

Fruit of the Spirit The fruit of the Spirit is the result of the Holy Spirit's presence and working in the lives of maturing believers and is itemized...

Second Coming of Christ

Second Coming of Christ In Old Testament times the idea that in due course God would send his Messiah (= Anointed One) made its appearance and this th...

Colossians, Epistle To The

COLOSSIANS, EPISTLE TO THE ko-losh'-ans, ko-los'-i-anz: This is one of the group of Paul's epistles known as the Captivity Epistles (see PHILEMON, EP...

Virgin Birth

Virgin Birth Historically, the Christian belief that Jesus was miraculously conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary wi...