Search Results for psalm 72

Found 374 Results for psalm 72
Psalms 65

Chapter?65In this psalm we are directed to give to God the glory of his power and goodness, which appear, I. In the kingdom of grace (v.?1), hearing p...

Chapter 8

CHAPTER 8 The surroundings of the temple ? description of Jerusalem at the time of solomon ? the palace of solomon ? Solomon?s fortified cities ? exte...

Spiritual Songs Part 2 (59-122)

59 John xxi. 16. CM. 1?Do not I love Thee, O my Lord? Behold my heart, and see! And cast each hated idol down, That dares to rival Thee. 2?Do n...

Psalms 45

Chapter?45This psalm is an illustrious prophecy of Messiah the Prince: it is all over gospel, and points at him only, as a bridegroom espousing the ch...

Psalms 78

Chapter?78This psalm is historical; it is a narrative of the great mercies God had bestowed upon Israel, the great sins wherewith they had provoked hi...


Israel [N] [E] [H] [S]The Name and People. Jacob, grandson of Abraham, was named Israel after he hadwrestled with God ( Gen32:28 ). This name is a co...


Righteousness [N] [T] [E]God the Father is righteous (just); Jesus Christ his Son is the Righteous (Just) One; the Father through the Son and in the S...

Mediator, Mediation

Mediator, Mediation On the human plane, mediation takes place in the Bible, as it has in many cultures throughout history, both in innocent circumstan...

Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5 Solomon marries the daughter of Pharaoh ? his sacrifice at Gibeon ? his dream and prayer ? Solomon?s wisdom ? Solomon?s officers and court ?...

Psalm CXIX.

Psalm CXIX. Psalm CXIX. Aleph.1. From its commencement, dearly beloved, doth this great Psalm exhort us unto bliss, which there is no one who desiret...


Money [N] [T] [E] [S]A variety of monetary systems are represented in the Bible, corresponding to the political powers that dominated the cultures rep...

Psalm 110:3

?EXPOSITION Verse 3. Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew ...

Psalms 119

Chapter?119 The general scope and design of this psalm is to magnify the Divine law, and make it honourable. There are ten words by which Divine reve...

Revelation 11:15

seventh angel sounded The seventh angel sounds the seventh trumpet (Rev. Rev. 8:2+). This last of the seven trumpets is not to be confused with the ?l...

Chapter 10

CHAPTER 10. THE RESEMBLANCE BETWEEN THE OLD TESTAMENT AND THE NEW. This chapter consists of four parts. I. The sum, utility, and necessity of this d...

1 Kings 4

Chapter?4An instance of the wisdom God granted to Solomon we had in the close of the foregoing chapter. In this we have an account of his wealth and p...

Isaiah - Introduction

INTRODUCTION ISAIAH, son of Amoz (not Amos); contemporary of Jonah, Amos, Hosea, in Israel, but younger than they; and of Micah, in Judah. His cal...

Chapter XXIV

CHAPTER XXIV. SONGS OF GLOR Y. And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Sion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads. Thehe ...

Psalms 37

Chapter?37This psalm is a sermon, and an excellent useful sermon it is, calculated not (as most of the psalms) for our devotion, but for our conversat...

Homily X.

Homily X.Homily X. 1 John 5:1-3.Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth Him that begat Him, loveth Him ...