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Matthew 5

3-5. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the me...

On the Incarnation of the Word

On the Incarnation of the WordOn the Incarnation of the Word ?1. Introductory.-The Subject of This Treatise: the Humiliation and Incarnation of the Wo...

Chapter III

CHAPTER III NATURE AND DEFINITION OF THEOLOGICAL SCIENCE. {theological Introduction not only divides and arranges the parts of theological science, ...

Book I

Book IBook I-------- Chapter I.-Preface-The Author's Object-The Utility of Written Compositions.(1) [Wants the beginning] that you may read them unde...

Book V. Of Justice.

Book V. Of Justice.Book V. Of Justice. Chapter I.-Of the Non-Condemnation of Accused Persons Without a Hearing of Their Cause; From What Cause Philoso...

Book III.

Book III. Book III.(1) -------- Chapter I.-Pearls Before Swine.Meantime Peter, rising at the crowing of the cock, and wishing to rouse us, found us aw...

Book VI.

Book VI.Book VI. Chapter I.-Plan.(1) The sixth and also the seventh Miscellany of gnostic notes, in accordance with the true philosophy, having deline...

John 9

Chapter?9After Christ?s departure out of the temple, in the close of the foregoing chapter, and before this happened which is recorded in this chapter...

Book X.

Book X.Book X.------------Having manifested what he was and what he is, he shows the great fruit of his confession; and being about to examine by what...

Book V.

Book V.Book V. Chapter I.-Apostasy of Julian, the Traitor. Death of the Emperor Constantius.Such were the transactions which took(1) place in the East...

A Plea For the Christians

A Plea For the Christians A Plea(1) For the Christians By Athenagoras the Athenian: Philosopher and ChristianTo the Emperors Marcus Aurelius Anoninus ...

Book X.

Book X.Book X.-------- Chapter I.-Probation.But in the morning, after sunrise, I Clement, and Niceta and Aquila, along with Peter, came to the apartme...

Book XIII.

Book XIII.Book XIII. 1. Relation of the Baptist to Elijah. The Theory of Transmigration Considered.The disciples asked Him, saying, Why then say the s...

Book III.

Book III.Book III. Chapter I. The Parts of the World in Which the Apostles Preached Christ.1 Such was the condition of the Jews. Meanwhile the holy ap...


HOMER THE HOMERIC QUESTION AND THE HOMERIC THEOLOGY I Homer's Iliad has been called the most famous among poems. Bryant speaks of its author as th...

Century V, Chapter II

CHAP. II. Augustine's Confessions Abridged. From the latter end of the third century to the former part of the fifth, we have seen a gradual decle...

Tenth Book

Tenth BookTenth Book 1. Jesus Comes to Capernaum. Statements of the Four Evangelists Regarding This.After this(1) He went down to Capernaum, He and Hi...

Chapter III--Sin, or Man's State of Apostasy

CHAPTER III. SIN, OR MAN'S STATE OF APOSTASY. SECTION I.?THE LAW OP GOD. As preliminary to a treatment of man's state of apostasy, it becomes neces...

Introductory Notice.

Introductory Notice.Introductory Notice.In the fourteenth chapter of the second book of his Retractations, Augustin makes the following statement: The...

Book II.

Book II.Book II.Jerome answers the second, third, and fourth propositions of Jovinianus.I. (c. 1-4). That those who have become regenerate cannot be o...