Search Results for romans 15:5

Found 287 Results for romans 15:5

GOSPEL gos'-pel (to euaggelion): The word gospel is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word which meant the story concerning God. In the New Testament the ...

Romans 15

CHAPTER 15 Romans 15:1-13 . SAME SUBJECT CONTINUED AND CONCLUDED. 1. We then that are strong--on such points as have been discussed, the abol...

Mark 7

Chapter 77:5? Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwash...

Mark 16

Chapter 1616:2? And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun. And very early For the...

Deuteronomy 28:62

Deuteronomy 28:62 And ye shall be left few in number There were but very few left in the land of Judea by Nebuchadnezzar's general when Jerusalem was ...


MEET met, adjective (yashar; axios): Various words are employed to express meetness, the sense of what is proper, worthy, or fit. We have yashar, str...


Temptation [T] [E]General scriptures concerning Genesis 3:1-13 ; 20:6 ; Exodus 34:12-16 ; Deuteronomy 7:25 ; Deuteronomy 8:11-14 Deuteronomy 8:...

Acts 21:20

Glorified (edoxazon). Inchoative imperfect, began to glorify God, though without special praise of Paul. How many thousands (posai muriade). Old word...

The London Baptist Confession

CHAPTER 1 - Of the Holy ScripturesThe Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain and infallible ruleof all saving knowledge, faith and obedience,(...

The Heidelberg Catechism

Q1: What is thy only comfort in life and death? That I with body and soul, both in life and death, ( rom 14:7 rom 14:8 ) am not my own, ( 1?Corinthia...

Matthew 28

Chapter 2828:1? In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sep...

Micah 7:18

Overview - Micah 7 1?The church, complaining of her small number, 3?and the general corruption, 5?puts her confidence not in man, but in God. 8?She...


Decision [T]General scriptures concerning Deuteronomy 30:19 ; Joshua 23:8 ; 24:15 ; 1?Samuel 12:20 ; 1?Kings 18:21 ; Psalms 37:34 ; 69:13 ; P...


FORM form (yatsar, to'ar; morphe): (1) To form is to fashion, create, produce. In the Old Testament it is for the most part the translation of yatsar...

Judges 15:5

Judges 15:5 And when he had set the brands on fire Disposed as before related; and foxes being naturally fearful of, and frightened with fire, and esp...

John 15

Chapter 1515:1? I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. true True in contrast with Israel. Isaiah 5:1-7 . 15:2? Every branch in me that ...


PROMISE prom'-is (most frequently in the Old Testament dabhar, speaking, speech, and dabhar, to speak also 'amar, to say, once in Psalms 77:8, 'omer, ...

1 Corinthians 15

Chapter 1515:2? By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. saved (See Scofield Roman...


Day. [N] [T] [B] [E] The variable length of the natural day at different seasons led in the very earliest times to the adoption of the civil day (or ...

Acts 21:21

They have been informed concerning thee (kathchqhsan peri sou). First aorist passive indicative of kathcew. A word in the ancient Greek, but a few ex...