Search Results for zec 2

Found 466 Results for zec 2
Revelation 2:5

Remember Remembering is the first in a three-step process. All three steps (remember, repent, and do the first works) are in the imperative tense: re...

Revelation 22:1

In the previous chapter, John was shown a new order of things. An entirely new heaven and earth were created to replace the first heaven and earth wh...

Revelation 17:18

that great city Although this phrase is also used of Jerusalem (Rev. Rev. 11:8+) and of the heavenly Jerusalem (Rev. Rev. 21:10+), here it is to be id... Seven Perfection, Completeness

The number seven is the most frequently encountered number in the book of Revelation:Even the most careless reader of the Apocalypse must be struck b...

Lie; Lying

LIE; LYING li, (sheqer (usually, e.g. Isaiah 9:15; Zechariah 13:3), or kazabh verb (Job 34:6; Micah 2:11); pseudos (John 8:44; Revelation 21:27), to s...


POOR poor ('ebhyon, dal, `ani, rush; ptochos): I. In the Old Testament. The poor have great prominence in the Bible; it is said, indeed, that there ...


HAGGAI hag'-a-i, hag'-a-i (chaggay, an adjective formed from chagh, feast): 1. Name: The word Haggai may mean festal, the prophet having been born p...


JOY joi (simchah; chara): 1. Terms: The idea of joy is expressed in the Old Testament by a wealth of synonymous terms that cannot easily be differen...

5.5. Grapes of Wrath - Blood Stained Garments From the many passages in Scripture which provide insights into the Campaign of Armageddon1 , we have chosen those wh...

Revelation 12:2

being with child ?? ?????? ?????? [en gastri echousa] , in the womb having. Something we should immediately notice about this entire vision is the lac...

Wine; Wine Press

WINE; WINE PRESS win, win'-pres: I. Terms. 1. Wine: (1) (~yayin), apparently from a non-Tsere root allied to Greek oinos, Latin vinum, etc. This is...

14.1.2. A Scene Spanning both Heaven and Earth

The scene before us can also be interpreted in a different way which splits the participants between both a heavenly and an earthly location. Such an ... A Literal City

Beyond the interpretive issue mentioned above, which we feel is conclusive, there are many other reasons for taking Babylon in the book of Revelation...

Revelation 15:4

Who shall not fear Not is emphasized by the double-negation, ?? ?? [ou m?] , followed by the subjunctive aorist ??????? [phob?th?] , he should fear.1...

Revelation 16:19

Now the great city was divided into three parts Great city probably refers to Jerusalem,1 as it is contrasted with the cities of the nations (?Gentil...

Revelation 17:14

these will make war ???????????? [Polem?sousin] , which indicates a protracted engagement rather than a single battle. The same word is translated, so...

Ezra 5

Chapter?5We left the temple-work at a full stop; but, being God?s work, it shall be revived, and here we have an account of the reviving of it. It was...


HOSANNA ho-zan'-a (hosanna): This Greek transliteration of a Hebrew word occurs 6 times in the Gospels as the cry of the people when our Lord entered...


GEDALIAH ged-a-li'-a (gedhalyah; except in 1?Chronicles 25:3,9 and Jeremiah 38:1, where it is gedhalyahu, Yah(u) is great): (1) Gedaliah, the son of ...

Revelation 18:2

he cried mightily with a loud voice The angel serves as a divine herald, announcing that which is about to take place. He signals that an event of gre...