Search Results for he who began a good

Found 3034 Results for he who began a good
Book V. Of Justice.

Book V. Of Justice.Book V. Of Justice. Chapter I.-Of the Non-Condemnation of Accused Persons Without a Hearing of Their Cause; From What Cause Philoso...

Ecclesiastes 2

Chapter?2Solomon having pronounced all vanity, and particularly knowledge and learning, which he was so far from giving himself joy of that he found t...

Chapter 16

CHAPTER XVI: THE TEMPLE OF SERAPIS (AD 391)In the account of Constantine, it was mentioned that the emperorsafter their conversion did not try to...

Song of Solomon 5:4

Song of Solomon 5:4 My beloved put in his hand by the hole [of the door] To remove the bolt or bar which kept him from entering in. By the door is mea...

1 Kings 15

The Book of 1?KingsChapter 15Chapter Overview: The reigns of Abijam and Asa over Judah, ver. 1 - 24. Of Nadab and Baasha over Israel, ver. 25 - 34.Ver...

Jeremiah 37

Chapter?37This chapter brings us very near the destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans, for the story of it lies in the latter end of Zedekiah?s rei...

The Pharisee and the Publican

THE PHARISEE AND THE PUBLICAN. God, I thank thee that I am not as other men are. Luke 18:11. God b? merciful to me a siinner. Luke 18 :13. In this ...

Chapter 8: The Kingdom of Judah Continued

Chapter 8: THE KINGDOM OF JUDAH CONTINUED. II Kings 18-25; II Chronicles 29-36 This history of the kingdom of Judah, from...

Homily on Habib the Martyr

Homily on Habib the Martyr Homily on Habib the Martyr Composed by Mar Jacob.(1) Habib the martyr, clad in flame, hath called to me out of the fire, ...

Psalm 119:147

?EXPOSITION Verse 147. -- I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried. He was up before the sun, and began his pleadings before the dew began to...

Luke 12

Chapter 1212:1 In 1 the mean time, when there were gathered together a an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, ...

2 Chronicles 12

Chapter?12This chapter gives us a more full account of the reign of Rehoboam than we had before in Kings and it is a very melancholy account. Methinks...

Genesis 39

Chapter?39At this chapter we return to the story of Joseph. We have him here, I. A servant, a slave in Potiphar?s house (v.?1), and yet there greatly ...

Book IV.

Book IV.Book IV.-------- Chapter I.-Halt at Dora.Having set out from Caesarea on the way to Tripolis, we made our first stoppage at a small town calle...

The Founder and Finisher of the Temple

The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it.?Zech. iv. 9. IAM afraid that Zerubbabel is very litt...

Job 20:5

Job 20:5 That the triumphing of the wicked [is] short Their outward prosperity and felicity, of which they make their boast, and in which they glory a...

2 Timothy 1

Chapter?1After the introduction (v.?1, v.?2) we have, I. Paul?s sincere love to Timothy (v.?3-5). II. Divers exhortations given to him (v.?6-14). III....

Chapter XVII

And I slept, and dreamed again, and saw thf. same two pilgrims going down the mountains along the highway towards the city. Now a little below these ...

Homily XX.

Homily XX.Homily XX.-------- Chapter I.-Peter is Willing to Gratify Sophonias.In the night-time Peter rose up and wakened us, and then sat down in his...

2 Kings 24

The Book of 2?KingsChapter 24Chapter Overview: Judah severely punished, ver. 1 - 4. Jehoiakim dies, ver. 5 - 6. Nebuchadnezzar's conquests, ver. 7....