Search Results for lu 1

Found 762 Results for lu 1

\\INTRODUCTION TO FIRST KINGS\\ This, and the following book, properly are but one book, divided into two parts, and went with the Jews under the co...

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Baptism of the Holy Spirit Seven New Testament passages speak of baptism of/in/with/by the Holy Spirit. The varying prepositions reflect the fact that...

Luke 3

Chapter?3 John the Baptist's ministry. (1-14) John the Baptist testifies concerning Christ. (15-20) The baptism of Christ. (21,22) The genealogy of C...

Golden Rule

Golden Rule [N]The Old Testament. The term Golden Rule is not found in Scripture, but is the popular way of referring to the words of Jesus in Matthew...

Matthew 1

Chapter?1This evangelist begins with the account of Christ?s parentage and birth, the ancestors from whom he descended, and the manner of his entry in...

Song of Solomon 3

Chapter?3In this chapter, I. The church gives an account of a sore trial wherewith she was exercised through the withdrawing of her beloved from her, ...

Micah 4

Chapter?4Comparing this chapter with the close of the foregoing chapter, the comfortable promises here with the terrible threatenings there, we may, w...

Esther 7

Chapter?7We are now to attend the second banquet to which the king and Haman were invited: and there, I. Esther presents her petition to the king for ...

Offence; Offend

OFFENCE; OFFEND o-fens', o-fend' (mikhshol, 'asham, chaTa'; skandalon, skandalizo): Offend is either transitive or intransitive As transitive it is p...

Matthew 18

Chapter?18The gospels are, in short, a record of what Jesus began both to do and to teach. In the foregoing chapter, we had an account of his doings, ...

Ezekiel 42

Chapter?42This chapter continues and concludes the describing and measuring of this mystical temple, which it is very hard to understand the particula...


\\INTRODUCTION TO EZEKIEL 40\\ This and the eight following chapters contain a vision of a city and temple herein described, and are thought to be th...

Philippians 2

The Book of PhilippiansChapter 2Verses:2:1If there be therefore any consolation - In the grace of Christ. If any comfort - In the love of God. If any ...

Acts 4

CHAPTER 4 Acts 4:1-13 . PETER AND JOHN BEFORE THE SAMHEDRIM. 1-12. the captain--of the Levitical guard. of the temple--annoyed at the disturb...


The Prayer Meeting. 'Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for the...

Isaiah 2

Chapter 2With this chapter begins a new sermon, which is continued in the two following chapters. The subject of this discourse is Judah and Jerusalem...

John 13

Chapter?13Our Saviour having finished his public discourses, in which he endured the contradiction of sinners,?? now applies himself to a private conv...

Matthew 17

Chapter?17In this chapter we have, I. Christ in his pomp and glory transfigured (v.?1-13). II. Christ in his power and grace, casting the devil out of...

Matthew 11

Chapter?11In this chapter we have, I. The constant and unwearied diligence of our Lord Jesus in his great work of preaching the gospel (v.?1). II. His...


\\INTRODUCTION TO MALACHI\\ This book, in the Hebrew copies, is called Sepher Malachi, the Book of Malachi; in the Vulgate Latin version, the Prophec...