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Found 440 Results for savior
7. Four Gospels

4.7.1 - Which Face, Which Gospel?4.7.2 - Camp of Israel4.7.3 - A Shadow of the Heavenly Many have wondered why there are four gospels? Especially if t...

Chapter VIII

CHAPTER VIII. FIRST MEETING WITH SANKEY. Mr. Moody's meeting with Mr. Sankey took place in June, 1871, at Indianapolis. Both were delegates to the n...

Peter, Second, Theology of

Peter, Second, Theology of Second Peter was written to believers who were being influenced by false teachers who advocated an indulgent, libertine lif...


World [N]The biblical concept of world falls into five categories: the physical world, the human world, the moral world, the temporal world, and the c...

Lecture XXXII

In discussing this part of the subject I must inquire briefly into the governmental value and bearings of the Atonement. 1. It is valuable only as i...

Chapter 22

CHAPTER 22. THIS DOCTRINE CONFIRMED BY PROOFS FROM SCRIPTURE. The divisions of this chapter are,--I. A confirmation of the orthodox doctrine in oppos...

Second Coming of Christ

Second Coming of Christ In Old Testament times the idea that in due course God would send his Messiah (= Anointed One) made its appearance and this th...

Luke-Acts, Theology of

Luke-Acts, Theology of The initial verses of both the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts indicate they were written to an otherwise unknown person na...

Chapter IV

XXXIV. Another interesting and highly important relation which Christ sustains to his people, is that of Shepherd. This relation presupposes the help...

Dwight Lyman Moody

DWIGHT LYMAN MOODY. The United States is now in the midst of the throes of the third of the great Religious Awakenings that have become so memorable ...

Jesus Christ, Name and Titles of

Jesus Christ, Name and Titles of In our culture names serve primarily to distinguish one person from another. In Bibletimes names had other significan...

Matthew 25

MATTHEW. CHAPTER XXV. The End of the World. SUMMARY.--The Ten Virgins. The Foolish Who Took No Oil. The Bridegroom Comes. The Doors Shut on the Fo...

Acts 2

ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. CHAPTER II. The Day of Pentecost. SUMMARY.--The Disciples Gathered Together. The Baptism of the Spirit. The Apostles Speak ...

The Ripening Harvest

THE RIPENING HARVEST. Say not ye. There are yet four months, and then cometh the harvest? Behold, I say onto you, lift up your eyes and look upon the...

Christians Not to Faint

CHRISTIANS NOT TO FAINT. ?' And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6: 9. When I was tal...

Acts 5

ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. CHAPTER V. The Sin and Punishment of Ananias and Sapphira. SUMMARY.--The Deceit and Death of Ananias. Of Sapphira. The Incr...

Acts 23

ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. CHAPTER XXIII. Paul's Defence Before the Sanhedrim. SUMMARY.--The Insult of the High Priest. Paul's Rebuke. His Appeal to th...

John 11

JOHN. CHAPTER XI. Lazarus Raised from the Dead. SUMMARY.--Lazarus Sick Unto Death. Jesus Sent For. Lazarus Dead and Buried When He Comes. The R...

1 Peter 3

PETER. CHAPTER III. Various Practical Duties. SUMMARY.--Duties of Women. Of Husbands. Duties of Christians Towards Each Other. Attitude Towards Ad...

13.8. Genesis and Revelation as Bookends

Having explored the parallels between events in the book of Revelation and passages which speak of a future time of trouble for both the world and th...