Search Results for 1 corinthians 10:11-14

Found 4 Results for 1 corinthians 10:11-14
Zechariah 9:14

Overview - Zechariah 9 1?God defends his church. 9?Zion is exhorted to rejoice for the coming of Christ, and his peaceable kingdom. 12?God's promises...

Joel 2:32

Overview - Joel 2 1?He shews unto Zion the terribleness of God's judgment. 12?He exhorts to repentance; 15?prescribes a fast; 18?promises a blessing t...

Law of moses, the

Law of moses, the Is the law of God Leviticus 26:46 GIVEN In the desert Ezekiel 20:10 Ezekiel 20:11 At Horeb Deuteronomy 4:10 Deuteron...

Ascension of Jesus Christ

Ascension of Jesus Christ Event, recorded most fully in ac 1:1-11, by which Christ concluded his postresurrection appearances, left the earth, and was...