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Found 460 Results for author and
3 Insights to Help Us Understand the Book of Hebrews Better

Traci Boland

The letter to the Hebrews is a beautiful message of encouragement that rings true for us today. By understanding the difficulties and persecution the Hebrews faced, we understand the sermon as a call ...

Do We Actually Know Who Wrote Hebrews?

Hope Bolinger

Although many scholars have debated the authorship of various books of the Bible, Hebrews is the only one that does not have a majority rule as to who wrote it. Conjectures as to the author have range...

Who Actually Wrote Psalms?

Jeannie Myers

The Book of Psalms is a collection of poems that were originally set to music and sung in worship to God. The Psalms were not written by a single author but by at least six different men over the cour...

How Can We "Lay Aside Every Weight" and Run the Race with Endurance?

Mike Leake

We are absolutely exhausted, beat up, worn down, about to give up and we’re even a little upset at God because he isn’t giving us the strength to get through this. But the problem isn’t that God isn’t...

Wordplay in Jonah

What is a “bank”? Is it the land beside a river? A financial institution? Yes, depending. It’s ambiguous until you know the context. In a similar (but more sophisticated) way, the author of Jonah play...

Who wrote Ecclesiastes? Bible Book Author and Meaning

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

Why Does Hebrews Say the Faithful Didn’t Receive What Was Promised?

Mike Leake

This is what connects all the heroes of faith. They kept believing, but they didn’t receive the thing they were hoping for. They were commended, their faith was right, but it didn’t come to full fruit...

Why Should We Come into God’s Presence with Thanksgiving?

Pamela Palmer

We should come into God’s presence with thanksgiving because we are called to do so, and because God is good; He is our salvation, creator of all things, and God of all gods. There is none like God, a...

Does the Bible Contradict Itself?

Larry White

Why do you read the Bible? Are you seeking answers about life situations? Perhaps you are looking for guidance in your relationship with the God of the universe. There are even some who read it so t...

Who Wrote Amazing Grace?

Pamela Palmer

John Newton’s story is one of profound transformation and deliverance. It is clear that his radical change resulted in the formation of this hymn. Its words are very relatable for many believers who k...

What Is the Longest Verse in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Verse length gives the reader an indication of the theme which is being laid out by the author. And, just as in common literature, long verses seek to develop an idea or truth. Our key passage’s lengt...

Finding Help

I say, “Help comes from God.” I tell people, “You’re not alone.” Both are empty phrases if I don’t live like I believe them. The author of Psalm 121 spotted this problem....

3 Proven Ways to Run the Race That Is Set before Us

John UpChurch

How exactly can we run this race that is set before us? Thankfully, we’re not left jogging in the dark. The author of Hebrews provides 3 proven ways to keep us on the right track....

Who Was C.S. Lewis and What Did He Write?

Blair Parke

For those who aren’t familiar with the God-blessed work of this amazing man of faith, let’s take a journey into C.S. Lewis’ life and work – who he was, what he stood for, and why his legacy still impa...

How God Used 5 Women with Questionable Pasts in Jesus Genealogy

Larry White

Genealogies are not the most entertaining reading you can dive into. They do serve a purpose and they can reveal interesting ideas to us. Normally, they are there to legitimize an individual as an hei...

Lessons from the Epistle of Jude

Alice William

The Epistle of Jude is a short but fascinating book in the New Testament. There are important lessons and insights to discover in its introduction of the author, its purpose, its target audience and...

Do the Creation Stories in Genesis Contradict One Another?

Mike Leake

This claim that the Bible doesn’t contradict itself is often questioned. The discrepancies between the creation accounts of Genesis 1 and 2 cause some to call foul. Do these contradict each other? Can...

5 Things Christians Need to Stop Doing

Jarrid Wilson

Jarrid Wilson is a husband, pastor, and author whose motivation is to help others find their identity in Christ. Find out more on his blog. Editor's note: This article was adapted from 5 Thin...