Search Results for conclusion

Found 149 Results for conclusion
Does the Bible Say Anything about Dieting?

Bethany Verrett

Everyone has an opinion these days about what it means to have a healthy body. Some people eat incredibly regimented diets, with strict workout routines, and strict care. Others eat whatever they want...

Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Shelby Turner

Many of us have felt the heartache that comes from losing a family pet. And to soothe the pain, we may begin to wonder where are they now? Will we ever see them again? Do dogs go to heaven? The Bi...

Do You Know the Other Biblical Baby of Bethlehem?

Lianna Davis

We all know that Jesus, the promised Messiah, made his entrance to the world in Bethlehem, as had been foretold. But if we look back a few generations, there was another baby born in Bethlehem who for...

The Joy of Christmas Is Far from Over

Carley Marcouillier

I don’t know about you, but Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. From the decorations and lights to the baking and wrapping, there is just something nostalgic about the anticipation of Chris...

Is Divorce Really a Sin?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Divorce is a  real and prevalent issue both inside and outside the church. When it comes to the topic of divorce, this can be a little bit like The Scarlet Letter. If you are not familiar with th...

Wisely Handling the Bible’s Wise Sayings

We must be very careful in how we approach and implement these wise sayings. Simply because they are inspired does not mean that the biblical proverbs are like laws, imposing a universal obligation...

How Can I Learn to See the Plank in My Eye? (Luke 6:42)

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Following Christ means allowing Him to be the judge and to forgive as He forgives. Here are three simple ways to avoid hypocrisy and remove the plank in your own eye....

The Argument from Contingency: A Proof for God

Ed Jarrett

Over the years, many arguments or proofs have developed for God's existence. These proofs are primarily philosophical in nature, although there is some scientific evidence to support some of them. Non...

What Does the Bible Really Say about Seeking and Offering Forgiveness? 

Larry White

Forgiveness is a rather large topic covered in the Bible. You could read the Bible from cover to cover and come to the conclusion that it is all about forgiveness. There are layers to the conversation...

What Can We Learn from Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom?

Dawn Wilson

The story of Solomon’s prayer for wisdom is much more than a beautiful tale of one man’s desire for wisdom. It holds powerful lessons for believers today — especially in a culture where people continu...

How Does the Book of Ecclesiastes Point Us to Christ?

Mike Leake

The “Preacher” attempts to search everything “under the sun” to find meaning. It all turns up empty. Vanity of vanities, he concludes. And that is really the sad message of Ecclesiastes — nothing unde...

Do We Actually Know Who Wrote Hebrews?

Hope Bolinger

Although many scholars have debated the authorship of various books of the Bible, Hebrews is the only one that does not have a majority rule as to who wrote it. Conjectures as to the author have range...

The Glorious Toil and Reward within the Verse “A Man Reaps What He Sows”

Lianna Davis

When the apostle Paul writes to the Galatian church, “Whatever one sows, that will he also reap” (Gal. 6:7), the agrarian community would have understood the process of sowing, the patience required f...

Is It Biblical That We "Get What We Deserve?"

Bethany Verrett

All of human philosophy centers on discovering the order of the universe. How did it start? How will it end? How does it work? Science provides some answers to how the physical world works, but the me...

10 Things You Should Know about Hell

Sam Storms

I take no special delight in writing this article. But hell is real and people are going there. So let’s look closely at what the Bible has to say about it as well as the on-going debate over whether ...

What Does it Mean to “Love Your Enemies”?

Danielle Bernock

Loving our enemies is a foreign concept. Love and enemies are words that seem mutually exclusive. Putting the two together raises questions. When the Bible tells us to love our enemies what does that ...

Following Joshua

The book of Joshua has much to teach us and much with which to inspire the church today as we, too, follow where God would have us go....

What Does Substitutionary Atonement Mean?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Salvation comes by only one means, and that is by placing your complete faith and trust in this finished work of Jesus Christ. You must acknowledge him as Savior and Lord and recognize what he did is ...