Search Results for deut 14-16

Found 78 Results for deut 14-16
Genesis 15:1

Overview - Genesis 15 1?God encourages Abram, who complains for want of an heir. 4?God promises him a son, and a multiplying of his seed. 6?Abram is...


Firstfruits [S](Heb. resit [tyivaer]; Gk. aparche [ajparchv]). The concept of firstfruits derives from God's creation work. Because God created everyt...


Vengeance [N]An injured party's desire for retribution or repayment from those who harmed him or to demonstrate his innocence against false accusation...

Exodus 14:21

Exodus 14:21 And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea With his rod in it, as he was directed to, ( Exodus 14:16 ) . What the poet says F26 of Bac...


Kinsman-Redeemer Male relative who, according to various laws found in the Pentateuch, had the privilege orresponsibility to act for a relative who wa...


Hospitality [N] [T] [S]Hospitality plays no small role in the realm of biblical ethics. Biblical admonitions exhorted the Israelites and the early Chr...


Sheol [N] [E] Old Testament. The Hebrew word seol [l/a.v], Sheol, refers to the grave or the abode of the dead ( Psalms 88:3 Psalms 88:5 ). Through ...


Necromancy [N]Form of divination in which a person calls upon the dead to receive communication that clarifies knowledge. Ugaritic texts from the midd...

1 Corinthians 14:16

1 Corinthians 14:16 Else when thou shall bless with the spirit Which must be understood of giving thanks to God, not in a private way, in the family a...

Temptation, Test

Temptation, Test While the number of terms denoting temptation and testing is small, their range of meaning is wide, extending from a secular sens...

Amos, Theology of

Amos, Theology of Like all biblical prophets, Amos spoke the oracles of Yahweh, Israel's God, to people in a particular context. In order to comprehen...


Day [N] [T] [E] [S]Segment of time that includes the night ( Gen 1:8 ) as in a twenty-four hour day. Day also stands in contrast to night ( Num 11:32...

Heaven, Heavens, Heavenlies

Heaven, Heavens, Heavenlies Heaven is the created reality beyond earth. The heavens and the earth ( Gen 1:1 ) circumscribe the entire creation, or wha...

Providence of God

Providence of God The word providence comes from the Latin providentia (Gk. pronoia [provnoia]) and means essentially foresight or making provision be...

Cloud, Cloud of the Lord

Cloud, Cloud of the Lord The Old Testament. The Literal Cloud. Natural phenomena involving clouds are depicted occasionally in the Old Testament, but ...

Fatherhood of God

Fatherhood of God Throughout the Bible we find God portrayed as a Father. This portrayal, however, is surprisingly rare in the Old Testament. There Go...

Descent into Hell (Hades)

Descent into Hell (Hades) Belief that between his crucifixion and resurrection Christ descended into the abode of the dead, as confessed in the Apostl...

God, Names of

God, Names of Names are more than labels. In Old Testament times a name expressed identification, but also identity. Significant meaning often attache...

James 5

JAMES. CHAPTER V. Warnings to the Rich. SUMMARY.--The Sins of Rich Men. The Judgments Coming Upon Them. Patience Under Affliction. The Examples...


Evil [N]As a prerequisite for any discussion of evil, moral evil must be distinguished from physical or natural evil. This essay uses the term moral e...