Search Results for eph 3

Found 974 Results for eph 3
6.49. Ephesians

Eph. 1 Eph. 1:3 - 3.21.7 Eph. 1:4 6 - 3.5.6,, 3.17.14, 3.21.7, 4.4.2, 4.4.3 Eph. 1:5 - 3.21.7 Eph. 1:7 2 - 3.1.5, 3.5.9 Eph. 1:9 2 - 3...


\\INTRODUCTION TO EPHESIANS 3\\ In this chapter the apostle hints at his state and condition as a prisoner, and at the afflictions he endured for th...


VIPER vi'-per ('eph`eh (Job 20:16; Isaiah 30:6; 59:5); echidna (Matthew 3:7 = Luke 3:7; Matthew 12:34; 23:33; Acts 28:3)): Several vipers are found i...


\\INTRODUCTION TO EPHESIANS 5\\ The apostle, in this chapter, goes on with his exhortations to the duties of religion; and such in general as relate...


The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 0660 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Originh[pafrom (0659) (in the sense of hissing)Translite...


\\INTRODUCTION TO EPHESIANS 2\\ The design of the apostle in this chapter, is to magnify the riches of divine grace, in the effectual calling and sa...


\\INTRODUCTION TO ePHESIANS\\ The city of Ephesus is, by Pliny {a}, called the other light of Asia; Miletus was one, and Ephesus the other: it was t...

Revelation 21:14

the wall of the city had twelve foundations The foundations are adorned with precious stones (Rev. Rev. 21:19+). See commentary on Revelation 21:19. ...

John 1:23

He said (eph). Common imperfect active (or second aorist active) of phmi, to say, old defective verb. I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness ...


\\INTRODUCTION TO EPHESIANS 6\\ In this chapter the apostle goes on with his exhortations to relative and domestic duties, and considers those of ch...

4.3.5. What about Election

In our discussion, we saw passages which recognized the potential for persons to be blotted out of the Book of Life (Ex. Ex. 32:32-33; Ps. Ps. 69:28;...

1 Corinthians 2:13

Overview - 1?Corinthians 2 1?He declares that his preaching, though it bring not excellency of speech, or of human wisdom, yet consists in the power o...

Colossians 3

COLOSSIANS. CHAPTER III. The New Life in Christ. SUMMARY.--Fellowship with the Risen Christ. Our Lives with Him. Hence, All the Evil Deeds of th...

Homilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians

Homilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the EphesiansHomilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians The Argument.Ephesus is the metropolis of Asi...

Revelation 10:7

in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel This refers to the time period during which the seventh angel sounds and the final seven bowl judgmen...


Circumcision [T] [B] [E] [S]Institution of Genesis 17:10-14 ; Leviticus 12:3 ; John 7:22 ; Acts 7:8 ; Romans 4:11 A seal of righteousness Roma...


Marriage [N] [T] [E] [S]An intimate and complementing union between a man and a woman in which the two become one physically, in the whole of life. Th...

Revelation 1:12

I turned to see John is about to enter into the experience of many other prophets who were given a revelation of the glory of the Lord, usually near ...

A Puritan Confession

CHAPTER 1 - Of the Holy Scriptures1. The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedi...


Walk The verb walk in its literal sense of going along or moving about on foot at a moderate pace is found numerous times in the Gospels. However, thi...