Search Results for obedience

Found 392 Results for obedience
The Powerful Contrast Between Eve’s Disobedience and Mary’s Obedience

Barbara Latta

Chaos, strife, and mayhem permeate the world. And all because of a piece of fruit.Well, it does go a little deeper than that, but the tree’s enticement was the catalyst that began the downfall of mank...

Will Obedience to God Restrict My Life?

Ruth Clemence

For some believers, it may be hard to be obedient when we are aware of our weaknesses or find it a challenge to obey God in a culture that finds Him irrelevant, non-existent or false. Is obedience to ...

What to Do When We Find Ourselves Working for God’s Approval

Mike Leake

Could I, with straight face, say to my children, “I find you acceptable only when you do your chores”? Could I expect to have a growing relationship with my wife if I said, “I find you acceptable when...

Who Is Jehu in the Bible?

Meg Bucher

Not all of the kings of Israel and Judah were fully corrupt. Jehu was one such king, who was obedient to God in dismantling the wicked King Ahab, whose evil queen Jezebel was known for leading him ast...

Beyond Sunday: Entering the Kingdom

They have omitted the one thing needful, a faithful obedience. ...

Why Is Abel Included in the Hebrews 11 “Hall of Faith”?

Brad Simon

Abel’s faith was characterized by his genuine devotion and obedience to God’s command. As Christians, we are called to emulate this kind of faith – a faith accompanied by sincere actions of love for G...

Why Does the Bible Say "Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice"?

Heather Adams

It’s important to remember that God looks first for a heart that is truly seeking to follow Him. This verse from 1 Samuel states just how important our attitudes and motivations are to God....

What is Godliness? Paul's First Letter to Timothy

For Paul godliness is no static, stained-glass word. It is active—kinetic obedience that springs from a reverent awe of God....

Become a Fruit-Bearing Christian

We need to see that if our work is to be acceptable and effective, it must come as fruit; it must be the spontaneous outgrowth of a healthy, vigorous life, the Spirit and power of Christ living and wo...

Powerful Verses for When You Feel Discouraged

Sheila Alewine

Discouragement is a part of life. We live in a fallen world. We are imperfect people, weak in our flesh – created beings who have little control over the circumstances of life.As followers of Jesus, h...

Why Does Jesus Call Us Friends in John 15?

Mike Leake

Through our union with Christ, all the blessings of Israel become ours. But this new covenant obedience is different than that of the Old Testament. It is not a servile obedience, but a friendship obe...

What Does Jeroboam Teach Us about Success in the Bible?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

When you ask the question who is Jeroboam in the Bible, the first question you must ask is which one? In the history of the kings of Israel in the Old Testament, you will find two kings who were named...

Who Was St. Patrick? (And Why Should Christians Celebrate St. Patrick's Day?)

Rachel Dawson

St. Patrick lived his years as a great example for us today. But he didn't live it out simply by "the luck of the Irish," as some may say, for one theme shines through it all: God’s Presence and Sover...

4 Ways to Pray When You Need Courage

Rachel Britton

The Hebrew word for courage is hazaq and means “to show oneself strong.” In this sense, courage is a response. To show oneself strong comes in many forms: physically, mentally, and spiritually.We are ...

How Abraham Teaches Us to Trust God’s Good Provision

Frank Santora

Clearly, in the age we live in, as we are facing high inflation rates and rising fuel and food prices, we need to know Him as Jehovah Jireh, God our Provider. We need to know that our source of susten...

How Can We Defeat Temptation?

Sheila Alewine

“No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind; and God is faithful, so He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way ...

Why Must We Do "Everything in Love"?

Pamela Palmer

We must do everything in love because it is an act of obedience to God, keeps our motives right, and guides us to be more like Jesus....

What Can Christians Learn from the Strange Verse that God Owns Cattle on a Thousand Hills?

Linda Lyle

Why is it important to remember that God owns cattle on a thousand hills? ...