Search Results for poor or

Found 51 Results for poor or
Pride Is Destructive

After the Civil War, much of the South lay in ruins. People who owned mansions in once proud cities found themselves unable to bear the cost of restoring their homes. They said they were too poor to p...

Illustration: Happiness

People have their own various interesting takes on happiness. Don Marquis was reported to have said, “Happiness is the interval between periods of unhappiness.” Schweitzer said, “Happiness? That is no...


Before you make too many excuses based on your having gotten a poor start in life consider the study made by Victor and Mildred Goertzel. They studied the backgrounds of hundreds of highly successful ...

Spirit-Filled People

God-filled people come in many shapes and disguises. During preparation for one of our evangelistic crusades in Latin America some years ago, a very poor, shoeless, unshaven man attended one of our we...


The Value Of A Smile It cost nothing, but creates much. It enriches those who receive without impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash, and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None ...


Soren Kierkegaard, the great Danish theologian of another century tells a story of a prince who wanted to find a maiden suitable to be his queen. One day while running an errand in the local v...

Poverty & Riches

Poverty in America. A free lesson on how to escape poverty. Economist Charles Murray author of the book Losing Ground, offers a formula on how to escape poverty in America. Here's his presc...

True Success

The person who succeeds is not the one who holds back, fearing failure, nor the one who never fails… but rather the one who moves on in spite of failure. As Lowell wrote: It's not failure, but l...

Humble Leadership

Don't take a position of leadership in church unless you are prepared to be honest, pure, and loving in your lifestyle. Leadership is a privilege, and with privilege comes responsibility. God holds te...


How to Join the Coronary Club Membership Requirements: 1. Never say NO to a request - always say YES. 2. Your job comes first; personal considerations are secondary. 3. Accept all invitations to mee...


Chuck Swindoll observes, "Several years ago someone interviewed the contemporary artist Marc Chagall for a PBS program. The young, arty interviewer started the session with a question about influences...

Quality and Excellence

Chuck Swindoll says, "Several years ago a man told me that his first contact with a Christian was so offensive he "never wanted to hear about Jesus again." He said the person who witnessed to him had ...

Standard Of Comparison

Years ago in Manchester England there lived a factory worker who had a very responsible job. The whistle that marked the beginning and end of the work day was operated by a clock and it was his job to...

God's Power In Us

Gladys Aylward rightly has been called the most noted single woman missionary of the 20th century. Her story has been told in a popular biography, a film starring Ingrid Bergman, and a BBC This Is You...

Young People

Dear Ann Landers: The reader signed "Georgia," who lived through the Depression and described how hard it was to be a teenager in the 1930's, said kids today have an easy time of it compared to teens ...

Illustration: Cleansing from Sin

In a recent edition of the Daily Hope with Rick Warren email newsletter, Jon Walker writes: “Jasmine is my beautiful and tenderhearted dog (cockapoo). She knows it is wrong to go near an old barn that...

7 Things We Regularly Get Wrong about Worship

Joe McKeever

Listen as the congregation files out of the sanctuary on Sunday, and you'll hear the common refrain: "I didn't get anything out of ___ [fill-in-the-blank] ___."...

Preaching on Sensitive Subjects

I thought I was the first to discover this technique of dealing with controversial issues from the pulpit. But it turns out this little find of mine has been unearthed many times in the past....