Search Results for rev 12-18

Found 63 Results for rev 12-18
Revelation 4:5

lightnings, thunderings, and voices These portend the magnificence and glory of the Father and bring reverent fear to those who experience them, as w... Ephesus

The Letter to EphesusAttributeDescriptionMeaningdesirable, darling, beloved, relaxation1 Titles2 To the angel of the church of Ephesus write, ?These...

2.8. Relation to the Pope

If the identity of the Antichrist were established by popular vote throughout history, the reigning Pope of any given time would undoubtedly be the m...

15.1.4. The Structure of the Letters

The seven letters to the seven churches follow a well-developed pattern.1 They are constructed precisely on the same model. They every one of them co...

Revelation 16:19

Now the great city was divided into three parts Great city probably refers to Jerusalem,1 as it is contrasted with the cities of the nations (?Gentil...

Revelation 6:9

Opening the Fifth and Sixth Seals 1 fifth seal With the opening of the fifth seal, we break from the judgments associated with the four horsemen. ?T...

6.9. 1 Samuel

1S. 2 1S. 2:9 - 3.3.4 1S. 2:10 2 - 3.4.5, 3.5.6 1S. 2:28 - 3.5.8 1S. 3 1S. 3:15 - 3.1.10 1S. 4 1S. 4:4 3 - 3.4.62, 4.16.2 1S. 4:12 - 3.1...

Revelation 1:1

Up to this point, we have spent considerable time discussing background information in order to better prepare the reader for the verse-by-verse expo...

Revelation 7:4

who were sealed ????????????? [esphragismen?n] , perfect passive participle, ones having been sealed. The angel recounts the total number of individua...

Revelation 2:1

Having been commissioned by Christ to write ?the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this...


Justice [N] [T] [E](Heb. sedeq [q,d,x],mispat [f'P.vim];Gk. dikaiosyne [dikaiosuvnh]).God, the Righteous Judge. Justice is rooted in the very nature o...

Psalms 110

Chapter?110This psalm is pure gospel; it is only, and wholly, concerning Christ, the Messiah promised to the fathers and expected by them. It is plain...

Book IV

? ? OF THE DEATH OF THE BODY. The things to be enquired into, are, What death is ? who are the subjects of it? what the causes of it, and its proper...

6.58. Hebrews

Heb. 1 Heb. 1:2 5 - 3.1.1, 3.1.5, 3.3.14, 3.19.13, 3.22.16 Heb. 1:3 7 - 3.4.112, 2.13.8, 3.1.5, 3.3.21, 3.5.1, 4.16.2 Heb. 1:4 - 3.8.3 Heb. 1:5 ...


Touch Bringing into bodily contact of one thing with another. The Hebrew naga [[;gn] and Greek hapto [a&ptomai] (-omai) are the main biblical terms fo...

Day of the Lord, God, Christ, the

Day of the Lord, God, Christ, the Expression, often in the context of future events, which refers to the time when God will intervene decisively for j...

Exodus 24

Chapter?24Moses, as mediator between God and Israel, having received divers laws and ordinances from God privately in the three foregoing chapters, in...


Building [N] [E]From Sacred Space to Holy House The localized presence of God and God's glory among his people is central to the unfolding story of th...

Matthew 28

MATTHEW. CHAPTER XXVIII. The Resurrection. SUMMARY.--The Women at the Sepulcher. The Message of the Angel. The Risen Lord. The Report of the Gu...

Psalms 10

Chapter?10The Septuagint translation joins this psalm with the ninth, and makes them but one; but the Hebrew makes it a distinct psalm, and the scope ...