Search Results for zec 3:19

Found 41 Results for zec 3:19

HALT holt (tsala`, to limp; cholos, lame, crippled): the American Standard Revised Version in Genesis 32:31 prefers limped; in Micah 4:6,7; Zec 3:19,...

Revelation 11:4

These are ????? ????? [autoi eisin] : These, they are, emphasizing the individuals. the two olive trees Israel is referred to by God as a ?Green Olive...

Genesis 1:1

Overview - Genesis 1 1?God creates heaven and earth; 3?the light; 6?the firmament; 9?separates the dry land; 14?forms the sun, moon, and stars; 20?...


MEEKNESS mek'-nes (`anawah; praotes, prautes): Meekness in the Old Testament (`anawah, `anwah) is from `anaw, suffering, oppressed, afflicted, denoti...

Revelation 2:5

Remember Remembering is the first in a three-step process. All three steps (remember, repent, and do the first works) are in the imperative tense: re...

Revelation 10:7

in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel This refers to the time period during which the seventh angel sounds and the final seven bowl judgmen...

13.8. Genesis and Revelation as Bookends

Having explored the parallels between events in the book of Revelation and passages which speak of a future time of trouble for both the world and th...

Revelation 1:1

Up to this point, we have spent considerable time discussing background information in order to better prepare the reader for the verse-by-verse expo...

Revelation 5:5

do not weep ?? ????? [m? klaie] , a present tense imperative indicating that John continued to weep.1 the Lion of the tribe of Judah God had revealed...

Job 23

Chapter?23This chapter begins Job?s reply to Eliphaz. In this reply he takes no notice of his friends, either because he saw it was to no purpose or b...

Psalms 60

Chapter?60After many psalms which David penned in a day of distress this comes which was calculated for a day of triumph; it was penned after he was s...


Word [N](Heb. dabar [r'b'D]; Gk. logos [lovgo] and rhema [rJh'ma]). The theological meaning of word within Scripture spans a wide theological spectrum...

Ecclesiastes 12

Chapter?12The wise and penitent preacher is here closing his sermon; and he closes it, not only like a good orator, but like a good preacher, with tha...

Matthew 1

Chapter?1This evangelist begins with the account of Christ?s parentage and birth, the ancestors from whom he descended, and the manner of his entry in...

Zephaniah 1

Chapter?1After the title of the book (v.?1) here is, I. A threatening of the destruction of Judah and Jerusalem, an utter destruction, by the Chaldean...

Isaiah 44

Chapter?44God, by the prophet, goes on in this chapter, as before, I. To encourage his people with the assurance of great blessings he had in store fo...

Fortification; Fort; Fortified Cities; Fortress

FORTIFICATION; FORT; FORTIFIED CITIES; FORTRESS for-ti-fi-ka'-shun (including): I. IN RECENT EXCAVATIONS 1. Excavation of Tells 2. Sites 3. Primit...

Malachi 4

Chapter?4We have here proper instructions given us (very proper to close the canon of the Old Testament with), I. Concerning the state of recompence a...

Matthew 21

Chapter?21The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the two main hinges upon which the door of salvation turns. He came into the world on purpose...

Psalms 49

Chapter?49This psalm is a sermon, and so is the next. In most of the psalms we have the penman praying or praising; in these we have him preaching; an...