Search Results for 1 john 5:3

Found 46 Results for 1 john 5:3
The Women in Christ's Life: Anna, The Prophetess

As a widow and a single woman, Anna knew her purpose and she didn't let anyone's opinions or comments keep her from it. Her choice would not only affect her life in an abundant way, but also the lives...

Is the Bible Anti-Wealth?

Larry White

In his short time on earth doing ministry, Jesus spent a lot of time talking about money and wealth. But does the Bible really teach that the wealthy won't get to heaven? And why then are we "storing ...

The God Who Provides

Do you see spiritual things clearly? Or is your vision of God and His will for your life clouded by spiritual cataracts or near-sightedness brought on by an unhealthy preoccupation with things?...

What Does “No Harm Shall Overcome You” in Psalm 91:10 Mean for the Coronavirus?

Liz Auld

There is only one guarantee for the Christian in this life—that your life is hidden with Christ and you have been given eternal protection as an adopted child and heir of God. This is a glory we will ...

What Did Early Christians Believe about Hell?

J. Warner Wallace

As we seek to understand what the Bible teaches about Hell, it may be helpful to understand what the earliest believers believed and taught. The teachings of some of these believers has been pr...

Justified Thanksgiving

Tim Brister

For the Christian, thanksgiving is altogether different. We don’t offer thanksgiving because of work we have done but because of the work Christ has done on our behalf....