Search Results for humility

Found 272 Results for humility
12 Ways You Can Graciously Respond to Criticism

Mark Altrogge

We will all be criticized at one time or another. Sometimes justly, sometimes unjustly. Sometimes others’ criticism of us is harsh and undeserved. Live long enough and there won’t be one...

5 Christlike Steps to Embrace the Emptying Process

Carley Marcouillier

As I opened my Bible and began to read, these words caught my attention, convincing my heart."In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature G...

What Does It Really Mean to “Turn the Other Cheek”?

Dawn Wilson

In the simplest of terms, Jesus taught that when someone attacks our right to respect or dignity, we are not to defend our rights with revenge. We are not to retaliate. The believer’s defense of digni...

6 Times Deconstruction Really Is a Good Thing

Meredith N Mills

For some, this type of deconstruction may look like remodeling a single room. For others, it may resemble the complete renovation of an entire structure. In both cases, though, deconstruction can hono...

Should Church Leaders Ever Address a Woman about Modesty?

Dawn Wilson

Discussions about modesty are difficult in a desensitized culture, but church leaders have the responsibility to strategically educate and equip congregations from God’s word concerning immodest cloth...

Why Is It So Important for Us to Be Able to Defend Our Faith?

Mike Leake

It seems like apologetics (defending the faith) is the art and science of being a jerk. Because we so often associate angry fights and know-it-all’s with apologetics, many shy away from the discipline...

Should Christians Argue about Whether the Millennium Is Literal or Figurative?

Britt Mooney

Can we say for sure whether the millennium is literal or figurative?...

How Do You Set Your Mind on Things Above?

Britt Mooney

How can you set your mind on things above today?...

A Biblical Guide for Praying over Your Marriage

Liz Auld

This is why we must pray for our marriage through changing circumstances, our commitment is to love our spouse in good times and bad just as God loves us. We should pray for our marriage when things a...

What Is Maundy Thursday?

Good Friday, we know. And Easter (Resurrection Sunday) most certainly. But what is Maundy Thursday? It is the Thursday before Easter, believed to be the day when Jesus celebrated his final Passover wi...

C.S. Lewis' Top 5 Tips about Christian Living

Holly Mthethwa

C.S. Lewis wrote well before our time, but he wrote highly applicable and practical truths about Christian living that still ring true today....

Who Are the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11?

Britt Mooney

How do the two witnesses in Revelation 11 both reveal a future event and inspire us today?...

Fasting Prayers for Powerful Revelation and Breakthrough

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

The Hebrew word for fasting is Kana, and it means to subdue or to bring low. It is the scriptural word for either bringing down an enemy in combat or subduing your own soul in an act of humility. The ...

Leaders Who Belong to the Order of the Towel Model True Leadership

Dr. Bill Lawrence

One of the greatest needs in the church is true servant leadership born of love and done according to our ultimate Example....

How Can Christians Remember 'A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath'?

Britt Mooney

How can the Bible verse "a soft answer turns away wrath" help us navigate a hostile world?...

What Is the Difference Between Elijah and Elisha?

Hope Bolinger

Some names in the Bible can trip us up, either because they are unfamiliar, or because they are so similar. It gets trickier still when people in the Bible change their names, like Saul becoming Paul ...

How Can Fathers Raise Kids without Provoking Them to Anger?

Jason Soroski

It is clear that fathers have a role to set the tone for Godliness in our homes. When fathers tell their kids how much better we were at their age, compare them to others unfairly, demand compliance t...

4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth

Sheila Alewine

The story is primarily understood to describe the various effects of the gospel message of salvation that Jesus was teaching. But I believe there is additional wisdom to be gained by those of us who h...

Beyond Sunday: He Gives Sleep

Faith brings calm with it, and banishes the disturbers who both by day and by night murder peace. ...

Who Was Shem in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Noah's son Shem may not appear for very long in the Bible, but his actions had big repercussions down his family line. His story teaches us important lessons about honoring parents and handling awkwar...