Search Results for luke

Found 816 Results for luke
Bring the Greatness of God to Others This Christmas

Frank Santora

Mary’s story was a trial of faith. Yet she made it through and so can we. Because like Mary, we are all, in our own God-ordained way, called to bring something extraordinary into the world. ...

How Christians Become Better Together

Frank Santora

If we are going to reach our potential as individuals and as the Body of Christ, and fulfill the assignment that God has for us, we must embrace the power of team. ...

Six Prayers for a Family Member Who Leaves the Faith

Jessica Brodie

It can be incredibly painful when someone we love decides to leave Christianity. According to the Pew Research Center, while more than 85 percent of American adults were raised in the Christian faith,...

What Is Mary's Song and What Does It Teach Modern Readers?

Ashley Hooker

In Luke 1:46-55, we find a passage of Scripture known as the Magnificat, or Mary's Song. The words are a beautiful reminder of the faith of Jesus' future mother, particularly in the midst of a...

Who Was Demas and What Do We Learn from His Errors?

Debbie W. Wilson

Perhaps the sacrifice of serving alongside Paul began to wear on him. He saw other men his age settling down and enjoying the pleasures of this life. Would it be so wrong to sample the good life?...

Was Jesus Really Born in a Manger?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Read what the Bible says about the birth of Jesus Christ. Was He really born in a manger or is that just part of the Christmas story we hear today?...

How God Used 5 Women with Questionable Pasts in Jesus Genealogy

Larry White

Genealogies are not the most entertaining reading you can dive into. They do serve a purpose and they can reveal interesting ideas to us. Normally, they are there to legitimize an individual as an hei...

Is It True That "Out of the Abundance of the Heart, the Mouth Speaks"?

Jason Soroski

The truth is, we all like to talk, and as humans we can figure out how to say things to create a certain impression. At least we can for a while. But eventually, who we really are and what we really b...

The Storytelling God: Parables and the Kingdom

Jesus, like the stories he told, didn’t look like much, but the power of the eternal God was in there....

What Does the Bible Say about Women?

Kristi Woods

The Bible uses the word “man” throughout its pages. All twelve disciples were men. Many of the stories we read center on males, including those of Moses, Abraham, Paul, David and Joshua. But what does...

3 Warnings the Pharisees Have for Us Today

Traci Boland

Because obedience to the Law was so important, the Pharisees became overly concerned with minute behaviors and whether these behaviors broke the Law or kept it. In this way, as experts of the Law, the...

7 Things to Know about the Place Jesus Was Born

Annette Griffin

How did Mary and Joseph find themselves so far from their hometown of Nazareth at a time so close to Mary’s delivery? The explanation begins with Caesar Augustus, the Emperor of Rome, who ruled from 2...

What Can We Learn from "Today You Will Be With Me in Paradise"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

"Today you will be with me in paradise" may be the most shocking statement in the Easter narrative. Can being saved really be that simple?...

Why Should We Pray?

Prayer is so vital to all that God wants to do on the earth, and it is so essential to us, that He commands us to do it all the time. Here are a few reasons why....

Why Are There So Many Names for Jesus in the Christmas Story?

Mike Nappa

If the gospel writers are any indication, it’s entirely possible that our December 25 holiday could’ve been called “Immanuelmas.” Or maybe “Consolation-of-Israelmas.&rdqu...

Why Does Jesus Care so Much about His Lost Sheep?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

During his ministry, Jesus often talks in parables, or stories. Some, like the Good Samaritan, are incredibly popular even in our modern culture. But there are quite a few smaller parables that are of...

Why Did the Veil Tear in Two at the Moment of Jesus' Death?

Meg Bucher

God’s ancient people followed religious laws for every way of their lives, from personal to societal, even in the way they worshiped God! When the curtain, which represented so much of that, tore in t...

What Is Good Friday, and What Makes it so Good?

Hope Bolinger

For those not familiar with Good Friday, this day remembers when more than 2000 years ago Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world. The events kicked off at the beginning of Holy Week when Jesus ro...