Search Results for matthew 26

Found 397 Results for matthew 26
Why Did Jesus Ride a Donkey for His Triumphant Entry?

Stephen Baker

In Jesus' day, kings entered cities on chariots or magnificent horses. So why did Jesus ride a donkey into the city of Jerusalem?...

What Are the Three Parts of the Trinity?

Ed Jarrett

The doctrine of the Trinity holds that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one in essence. But within the one God, there are three distinct persons. These three persons are fully integrated i...

What Is the Significance of Bread in the Bible?

Karen Whiting

The account of Jesus feeding thousands of people with bread and fish shows extravagant love. The miracle went beyond mere food. It showed us the compassion of Jesus and his ability to provide much mor...

How Can Faith Come by Hearing?

Lisa Baker

But faith comes by hearing. It can only come by hearing (Romans 10:17). The Apostle Peter, in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, spoke Scriptural truth as he quoted Joel and David....

Can You Take the Plank Out of Your Eye and Remove the Speck from Your Brother’s Eye?

Joel Ryan

Just how do you take the plank out of your eye and remove the speck from your brother’s eye? Fortunately, Jesus makes it clear how we should apply this teaching....

Who Are the Christmas Angels?

Pamela Palmer

They top our trees, adorn our yards, and may even stand proudly in your local department store. But the Bible has a lot to say about angels, and not just in the Christmas story. Who are these angelic ...

Will We Know Each Other in Heaven?

Colin Smith

David knew that he would see his son again in the presence of the Lord, and knowing that he would be reunited with the son he loved brought him comfort in his bereavement....

How Long Is a Generation in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

How many years is a generation in the Bible? The answer helps us to understand not just how the Bible emphasizes the importance of family, but also why it's important to pass lessons on....

What Is the Hidden Manna Found in Revelation?

Hope Bolinger

Many of us know about the physical manna the Israelites ate in the desert. But what about the hidden manna in Revelation? What exactly is this?...

What It Looks Like to Have the “Faith of a Mustard Seed”

Bethany Verrett

The mustard seed in Jesus’ example symbolizes the potential in faith. When a believer begins their journey, they have just begun to learn about how much God loves them, how much He wants to do for the...

Is Gambling a Sin?

Jessica Brodie

While the Bible doesn’t specifically contain the word “gambling,” a number of passages urge good financial stewardship and warn against being foolish with money or wasteful/get-rich-quick scenarios....

Who Can Take Communion?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Communion, which can also be known as the Eucharist or The Lord’s Supper, is a time when we come together to commemorate the death of Jesus for our sins. To celebrate this, we will take a bread elemen...

What Does Scripture Say about Our Tongues and Speech?

Heather Adams

Scripture is very clear on this point: the words we use and the way we say them impacts the world around us. God gives us the choice of whether our impact will be positive or negative. When we follow ...

Why Does Jesus Tell His Followers That They Must Hate Their Families?

Frank Santora

God has called us to love, honor and provide for our families. And God wants us to love ourselves. So what about our hard-saying of Jesus? “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mothe...

What Is Envy vs. Jealousy in the Bible?

Cathy Baker

What separates envy from jealousy in the Bible? Can of them be good, or are they always sinful? You'll be surprised to see what the Bible really says about envy and jealousy....

What Does an Evangelist Look Like Today?

Heather Adams

In Scripture, the title of evangelist is usually applied to the Apostles. And they truly did devote their lives to telling everyone they could about our Lord. But according to Matthew 28:19-20, this i...

5 Incredible Lessons about the Trinity

Emma Danzey

We read throughout the Bible that God is Triune. He is three in one. We can allow this fact about Him to intimidate us, or we can press into the joy, mystery, and reality of how He describes Himself....

What Does It Mean That Jesus Holds the Keys of Death and Hades?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Though death is genuine, Christ, by His death and resurrection, claimed victory over it. We who love and cherish Him need have no fear of those who kill the body (Matthew 10:28). In that very moment o...

What Does the Number 3 Signify in the Bible?

Hope Bolinger

Signifying completeness, the number three carries an extreme significance throughout Scripture....

Why Is Seventy Times Seven Still so Radical Today?

Connor Salter

Here is a look at what seventy times seven mean, and how it fits into the Bible’s teachings about sin, repentance, forgiveness, and rebuke....