Search Results for philippians 4:4

Found 46 Results for philippians 4:4
5 Steps to Peace in a Bad Situation

How do you get peace in a really bad situation? You may be in the fight of your life financially and about to lose your home. It may be that you've been diagnosed with lung cancer as my father-in-law ...

5 Steps to Find Peace in a Really Bad Situation

Paul Dean

How do you get peace in a really bad situation? You may be in the fight of your life financially and about to lose your home. It may be that you've been diagnosed with lung cancer as my father-i...

What Does it Mean to Rejoice in the Lord Always? (and How Can I Do It?)

Blair Parke

We are facing unprecedented times today, and hardships abound. But the apostle Paul is no stranger to hardships, and his words can break through our darkest days to provide God's comfort and truth. Ev...

How Does the Bible Encourage Us to Give Thanks, even in Hard Times?

Rachel Britton

The Bible teaches us that we are to give thanks to God not only during good times, but during hard times and everything in between. We are to be continually thankful in all circumstances.Paul’s letter...

6 Reminders for Facing Temptation Like Jesus

Micah Maddox

Jesus gives us the example to follow in the face of temptation through His own temptation in the wilderness. He had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and His flesh was weak. Mentally I cannot imagine t...

What Is Soteriology and Why Is it Essential for All Christians to Know?

Jean Wilund

Soteriology isn’t uniquely Christian, but it is biblical. Paul demonstrates the use of soteriology in his letter to the Corinthian church....

How Should Christians Live in a World that’s Not Our Home?

Annette Griffin

How can Christians live ‘in the world’ but not be ‘of the world? Viewing the treacherous condition of this world from God’s perspective can be overwhelming. Here’s the good news: that bad news is...

If Hope Does Not Disappoint Us, Why Are Christians Disappointed All the Time?

Heather Riggleman

“If hope does not disappoint us, why are Christians disappointed all the time?” Before we can answer that question, we need to define what hope is....

The Strange Math of Jesus: Emptying Himself by Adding Human Nature

Since the divine nature in Jesus was eternal and infinite while the human nature in Jesus was created and finite, one of the questions we ponder is just how these two natures could coexist in the one ...

Why Do We Kneel in Prayer?

Lia Martin

I come to this topic with the belief that God doesn’t even require knees to be in relationship with us. That said, kneeling is still a beautiful choice, as it can stir us toward his presence....

Who Was Demas and What Do We Learn from His Errors?

Debbie W. Wilson

Perhaps the sacrifice of serving alongside Paul began to wear on him. He saw other men his age settling down and enjoying the pleasures of this life. Would it be so wrong to sample the good life?...

Why It's So Important That "Jesus Wept"

Bethany Verrett

By understanding that even the Lord Jesus grieved, experienced sorrow, and felt the weight of loss, it gives believers permission to feel sad when a loved one passes away, even though believers who di...

When the Knowledge That God Is in Control Isn’t Comforting

Lisa Loraine Baker

Sometimes telling someone who is facing a trial that God is in control feels to them like platitudes. We’ve all heard it before, but deep in our hearts, do we believe it when we are suffering? Often, ...

What Does the Bible Say about Laughter, and Is it Truly the Best Medicine?

Melissa Henderson

“What does the Bible say about laughter?” Scripture shares about the lives of many people and their joys and trials. We are called to share the love of God with others. ...

How to Navigate the Holidays While Struggling with Depression

Heather Adams

With time, and lots of support, I’ve figured out that focusing on and celebrating what’s most important about this season helps me navigate the holidays with gladness rather than dread....

How Can I Trust a God Who Is Allowing Coronavirus?

Anne Peterson

We have this wonderful love letter full of promises from God. We can saturate ourselves with Biblical truths and realize we have victory, even when battling a global pandemic....

What Does the Bible Say about Our Minds?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The Bible puts great emphasis on the mind and how it affects your life. If you have any desire to be the man or woman God desires you to be, then you must understand how important a role your mind is ...

What Does the Bible Say about Pride?

Meg Bucher

“I’m proud of you.” It’s a notion we dish out and long to hear daily. But when is it sin? The Bible is clear that it’s ok to encourage and admonish each other and ...

How Should We Celebrate Christmas at Church?

Lisa Loraine Baker

A fine line exists between worshipful music and performance. It’s the responsibility of the church leaders to make sure those in the Sanctuary are directed in thought and praise to Jesus, not in wonde...