Search Results for temptation

Found 249 Results for temptation
What Is the Sword of the Spirit in the Armor of God?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The sword of the Spirit is the only offensive weapon we get in the armor of God, so you better learn how to use it and use it well. Here's how you can do that....

5 Prayers to Persevere in Difficult Seasons

Bethany Verrett

The trials, tribulations, and temptations of living in a fallen world require perseverance, but in the end, there is eternity with the living God. Perseverance can be a difficult strength to call upon...

What Are the Psalms of Asaph?

Mike Leake

Asaph seemed to be one of the more contemplative of the authors. He was able to see the depth of brutish temptation within his own heart, but also the steadfast anchor of God’s love for him. ...

5 Powerful Tips to Overcome the Fear of Praying in Front of Others

Jessica Brodie

What if I do it wrong? What if I offend God or look like an idiot? First, it’s important to know that praying in public is not a requirement for any Christian. Jesus warned that we shouldn’t pray in a...

Waiting for the Morning

Elizabeth Vince

If I were precious to Him, why would He allow me to suffer?...

How to Never Fall Away from the Faith

Greg Laurie

There’s a Christianese word describing the regression many experience in their Christian walk: backslide. The Bible also uses the falling away and apostasy. Fighting your way back from a ba...

How to Ask God for Forgiveness

Stephanie Englehart

Through the gospel, we are now capable of forgiving others because Jesus has first forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32). Being forgiven by the risen Christ means we now have the power to fight the enemy’s tem...

20 Powerful Prayers for Peace of Mind during Difficult Times

In a world so full of chaos, ruin, and division, we may often feel at a loss in terms of comfort or peace of mind. We may want to lift up a prayer for peace, but with our minds so scattered by the eve...

5 Powerful Things the First Psalm Say about a Righteous Life

Pamela Palmer

It is significant that this is the first Psalm because it tells of the blessing of a life lived for God and the destruction and uncertainty (worry, fear, doubt, anxiety) that comes with living wickedl...

How Can Christians "Seek First the Kingdom of God"?

Kristi Woods

In Matthew 6:33 (ESV) it says: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” God remains available and ready for us to find Him, to ...

Why Does the Bible Say It's Crucial to Exercise Self-Control?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

To be the people God wants us to be, we must show self-control. But what does the Bible say about achieving that? What advice does it give about achieving self-control?...

Why Is 'Peace Be Still' so Important during the Storms of Life?

Kathy Collard Miller

All of us struggle to stay calm when faced with trials and problems. That’s why it’s so important that we remember Jesus said, “Peace! Be still!” (Mark 4:39). ...

Why It Is Crucial That "You Shall Not Commit Adultery"

Bethany Verrett

The 10 Commandments established the law for Israel, and many if not all of these laws are still accepted by us today. Commands like "do not murder" or "do not lie" seem commonsense. But what about the...

Who Was Baal?

Bethany Verrett

An idol is inanimate. At best, worshipping a false god is worshipping a rock given a personality through human imagination. At worst, it is open rebellion against God by choosing to worship an evil en...

What Does Scripture Say about Lust?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Lust can be ignited towards different things. What we may miss when talking about lust is everything in life has the potential to become something we lust after. So it is something you must pay attent...

God Saves Us from the Penalty and Power of Sin

I want to introduce you to three characters to help you understand how God saves us from the penalty and the power of sin. Which one do you identify with most?...

Lessons from Jude: Learning from Past Mistakes

Alice William

Today, we will focus on Jude 1:5-11 where the author draws references from the Old Testament reminding the audience of past sins and the lessons to learn from them....

How God Satisfies Us in a World That Screams for More

Ruth Clemence

It’s very easy to point the finger at someone who has visibly done something wrong, but what about wrong thinking? Is our thought life important? One of the commandments is “You shall no...

10 Things to Know about the First Book of the New Testament

Aaron Brown

There’s plenty to learn about Jesus throughout Scripture, but the New Testament provides a more focused view. That’s why our first in-depth picture comes in the first book of the New Testament, the Bo...